Centertown, near OttawaU, (10 mins walk distance). One bedroom is on second floor, very quiet and sunny. Total 3 rooms. Roommates are OU female students, quiet and easygoing. Price is $500 all inclusive: utilities, wifi, furniture and kitchen appliances. Avaialble June1st No smoking No pet...
Sandyhill, one room in a small building, 10 mins walk to OttawaU/Bleu Cordon. This room on second floor, very quiet and bright. Total three rooms and roommates are OU/Bleu Cordon female students. $520 all inclusive: utilities, wifi, furnitures and kitchen appliances.
Bus#16 is out of the door...
市中心,走路十分钟去渥太华大学,这两间卧室一间是这个单元里最大的$550有超大的衣柜和充足的储藏位置,非常明亮,另一间面向后院特别安静,阳光也十分从足,稍小一些$520, full kitchen full bathroom. 全部新安装的地面和一年前换过的大窗户,粉刷的墙面,现在一名OU的女学生住那里超过一年,很好相处。价格全包:水电气,上网及厨房的电器和生活用具。6月1日。
汽车#16路在门口,地下室有洗衣房,门口Porch可搁放自行车, 走路几分钟到便利店。整栋楼安静,无人吸烟和养宠物。有意者请致电或短信613-869-0653
Centretown, 10 mins walk to OttawaU, clean bedroom in a small building in unit3. the second floor. Total three rooms in this unit. This one is sunny and quiet. Roommates are OU female students, very quiet and easygoing. Price are all inclusive: utilities, wifi, furniture and kitchen appliances...
Downtown, Sandyhill, 走路十分钟去渥太华大学,两间卧室在二楼的三人间里,独立的卧室,公用的厨房和卫生间里,新铺的地板,一年前刷过的墙面,更换过的大窗。现在室友是一位OU女生,非常干净和好相处。$550是最大的一间,$520是第二大的一间,可以分开出租。价格全包,水电气,上网,厨房家电及用品。六月一日。汽车#16就在门口,Sandyhill arena and community center near by. 请电话或短信613-869-0653 email:
Centretown, 10 mins walk to OttawaU, clean bedroom in a small building in unit3. the second floor. Total three rooms in this unit. This one is sunny and quiet. Roommates are OU female students, very quiet and easygoing. Price are all inclusive: utilities, wifi, furniture and kitchen appliances...
10分钟走路去渥太华大学,三层楼的小Building, 在一条安静的小街,两间卧室(可单租)在二楼的unit4,一间$480另一间$500,还有一间更大的已租给法国来的intership student, very nice and clean person。 价格全包:水电气上网家具及厨房用具电器。Bus#16 is out of the door, convenient stores and Sandyhill community center near by. 五月1日起租,No smoking NO pet 学生。灵活租期。致电或短信613-869-0653