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    [寻找]carpool Jan11(wed) tor->ottawa

    Looking for carpool Jan11(wed) tor->ottawa,Jan13(Fri) returning to Toronto. One way or round trip. Contact: 416-273 3578 or QQH Thanks a lot!
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    360 Bell street 公寓出租 4月100刀

    Bell street 360 公寓1房1厅中的厅出租, 已完全分隔好,4月入住100,5月1日入住也可。5月至8月270/M,九月以后300/M, 房东一人白天上班,周末不在,只有周一至周四晚上在家,没有其他人, 特安静。 包暖气,包水电和包HIGH SPEED INTERNET 周围环境非常好,门口有85,4路车,方便到CU and OU 学校 简单家具:有床,桌子,椅子 PM或电话联系:613-2330036 EMAIL:happybirdd@yahoo.com
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    EPSON墨合复位器可以使墨合多次灌墨使用.付送一个灌好的墨合,大半瓶墨水及灌墨工具. 共20刀.电话613-2330036.
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    崭新的MATH 3801,从未用过.20CAD

    电话:613-2330036 OR PM.
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    Carpool needed on March 9th(Wed.) from Ottawa to Toronto

    Carpool needed on March 9th(Wed.) from Ottawa to Toronto,after 1:00PM, please call 613 2330036.or PM to me.Thanks
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    [必看] carpool offer Oct29/Nov1 Ottawa<-->Toronto

    时间:OCT 29下午3点左右 OTTAWA->TORONTO. NOV 1 上午9点左右 TORONTO->OTTAWA 04年新车,安全舒适. nice driver 单程:25 双程:40 请发悄悄话,或邮件 happbirdd@yahoo.com thanks
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    [问题] math 3801明年会换书吗?

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    carpool offer Ottawa<-->Toronto(Sep24/27)

    carpool offer Ottawa<-->Toronto(Sep24/27) Ottawa to toronto SEP.24,2004 toronto to Ottawa SEP.27,2004 a good car and nice driver,if you are interested, call 613-2330036 or email to happybirdd@yahoo.com thank you!
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    carpool offer Ottawa to toronto SEP.24,2004 toronto to Ottawa SEP.26,2004 a good car and nice driver,$25 per person if you are interested, call 613-940-3722 or email to happybirdd@yahoo.com thank you!
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    Justin Luo,where are you?Help me.
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    有没有前辈了解CU 计算机系的这几位教授

    这里有没有前辈了解CU 计算机系的这几位教授, J.-P. Corriveau, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, Paul Van Oorschot,谁比较NICE,而且课题和研究经费多.非常感谢.