Lincoin field, spacious two-bedroom sublease or lease for one month for April.
地点超近95,97 公汽站,Wallmart ShoppingMall,Regina 小学,方便工作,上学。两大房间宽敞明亮,干净木制地板,有室内泳池, 适合OU,CU 学生分租或移民家庭。 原租金899/月,现短租550(4月)可提前入住。 4月后可按月租或签新Lease。
Tel: 613-828-5479 Mr. LI
Lincoln field 超大两室一厅转租(4月1日 至4月30日); 提供简单家俱,可提前入住。租金C$750。期满可按月租或续新约。
地点超近Wallmart Shopping Mall, 97 Bus station and Primary School, 工作上学十分方便。
Tel: 613-828-5479, Mr. Li
[寻找] Car pool needed this Friday (11 March) Toronto =>Ottawa and back this Sunday. Anyone who is going to leave Toronto in the afternoon (at least before 3:00 pm), pls contact Mary @ 416-661-9145 or email
Thank you.