
  1. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(DEC 20th noon)

    Leaving Toronto on 1:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at sheppard subway station ,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). new full size car,and experienced steady-going four stars G driver,8...
  2. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(DEC 21st noon,2 seats still available)

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(DEC 21st noon,2 seats still available) Leaving Toronto on 9:30AM or 12:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at sheppard subway station ,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,somewhere else in downtown on the...
  3. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(Nov 30th上午)

    Leaving Toronto on Nov 30th 10:30AM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at sheppard subway station ,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). for back toronto leaves at 5:00PM .new full size car,and...
  4. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(Nov 16th-Nov 17th)

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(Nov 16th<->Nov 17th) Leaving Toronto on Nov 16th 1:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at sheppard subway station ,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). for back...
  5. M

    need a carpool from toronto-ottawa(26-28)

    need pick up in yonge/finch,leave around 2 PM or earlier than that time drop off in kanata town center for back toronto,need to leave early around 1:00PM,still need to drop off in yonge/finch,PM me or
  6. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(sep 28th<->sep30th)

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(sep 28th<->sep 30th) Leaving Toronto on sep 28th 1:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,Scarborough Town Center,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,southkey or somewhere else in...
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    顺风车 Ottawa->Toronto(AUG 21 )

    顺风车 Ottawa->Toronto(AUG 21 ) Leaving OTTAWA on AUG 21 8:00AM sharp(TUESDAY) from billingsbridge,can pick you up downtown Ottawa or OU, or somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). will drop you Finch subway station. subway station along 401 ,Scarborough Town Center,or your home if not...
  8. M

    5月5号 carpool offer toronto to ottawa

    早上7:30出发 回来是6号中午
  9. M

    周六(3月24号)Ottawa---〉Toronto carpool offer(还有三个座位)

    leaves at 1:30PM 24th new full size car( Chevy Impala, Ford Taurus or VW JETTA), and experienced steady-going four stars G driver,8 years safe driving record. Only 3 passengers ) Asking $25 for single trip email me fast and leave you phone number,i will leave toronto early! If interested...
  10. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(mar 30<->apr1)

    Leaving Toronto on Mar 30 11:00AM or 1:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,Scarborough Town Center,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,southkey or somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). for back toronto...
  11. M

    carpool offer:Toronto <-> ottawa 3seats still available(Mar 9th-Mar11th)

    Toronto -> ottawa 3 seats still available Ottawa->toronto 3 seat still available Leaving Toronto from YONGE/FINCH SUBWAY at 1:00PM. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,Scarborough Town Center,usually no home pick up ,sorrY!will be arrive in ottawa on which have enough time to have supper...
  12. M


    carpool offer:TORONTO(DEC26st)<---OTTAWA Ottawa->toronto 2 seats still available For back toronto leaves at Dec 26st 1:30PM drop off :reasonable place alone 401,Scarborough Town Center, FINCH SUBWAY STATION,mostly cannot send you home ,sorry! new car Pontiac G6, and experienced...
  13. M

    carpool offer:去OTTAWA过圣诞节,周五TORONTO(DEC22rd)<--->OTTAWA

    carpool offer:TORONTO(DEC1st)<--->OTTAWA(Dec22rd) Toronto -> ottawa 0 seats still available Ottawa->toronto 2 seats still available Leaving Toronto from YONGE/FINCH SUBWAY 1:30PM. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,fairview MALL,Scarborough Town Center,usually no home pick up ,sorry...
  14. M

    carpool offer:TORONTO(DEC1st)<--->OTTAWA(Dec2nd)

    Toronto -> ottawa 4 seats still available Ottawa->toronto 4 seat still available Leaving Toronto from YONGE/FINCH SUBWAY 6:30PM. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,fairview MALL,Scarborough Town Center,usually no home pick up ,sorry drop off :bayshore, other reasonable place around...
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    carpool offer

    no or PM