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    Carpool from Ottawa to Montreal

    Carpool from Ottawa to Montreal Monday (Oct 10) evening. Please contact at 613-762-2817.
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    carpool : ottawa-montreal

    I am leaving from Ottawa to Monreal Monday Morning (Sept.19) around 7:00. TEL: (613)762-2817 please leave your message if nobody answer the phone, Thanks!
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    carpool mtl-ottawa-mtl

    I am going to go to Ottawa from Montreal this Friday (may 20) afternoon around 6 PM, and come back to Montreal Tuesday(may 24) morning. TEL: (450) 928-6000 Ext:3793 or (514)344-9676 or (613)274-2983 Please leave your message if nobody answer the phone. Thanks
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    I am going to go to Ottawa from Montreal this Friday (may 13) afternoon around 6 PM, and come back to Montreal Monday (may 16) morning. TEL: (450) 928-6000 Ext: 3793 or (514)344-9676 or (613)274-2983 Please leave your message if nobody answer the phone. Thanks
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    [请求] 关于working Permit

    我是一名国际学生,马上就要毕业了,我应该怎么申请working permit? 要先找到工作还是应该先申请permit? 请大家帮忙给我点信息!多谢!!
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    carpool提供 蒙特利尔-渥太华 ride offer:Montreal to Ottawa

    Carpool 去渥太华,周五(八月二十号)下午5:45从蒙特利尔出发。 请电:514-344-9676 或者514-868-2200 分机3793(白天) I am leaving from Montreal to Ottawa this Friday evening (Aug 20) around 5:45 PM. TEL: 514-344-9676 514-868-2200*3793 (day time) please leave your message if nobody answer the phone, thanks.
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    渥--蒙(carpool) Ottawa-Montreal

    Carpool 去蒙特利尔,周日或周一早上(八月十五或十六号)出发。请电:613-878-1105 或 613-224-3860。 Going to Montreal Sunday evening or Monday morning. TEL:878-1105 or 224-3860 please leave your message if nobody answer the phone, thanks.
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    蒙--渥--蒙(carpool) Montreal-Ottawa-Montreal

    Carpool 去渥太华,周五(八月十三号)5:45从蒙特利尔出发。周日或周一回来。 请电:514-344-9676。 514-868-2200 分机3793(白天) 或613-878-1105。 I am leaving from Montreal to Ottawa this Friday evening (Aug 13) around 5:30 PM, and come back to Montreal on Sunday Night or Monday Morning. TEL: 514-344-9676 514-868-2200*3793 (day time)...
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    蒙--渥--蒙(carpool) Montreal-Ottawa-Montreal

    Carpool 去渥太华,周五(八月六号)5:30从蒙特利尔出发。周日或周一回来。 请电:514-344-9676。 514-868-2200 分机3793(白天) 或613-878-1105。 I am leaving from Montreal to Ottawa this Friday evening (Aug 6) around 5:30 PM, and come back to Montreal on Sunday Night or Monday Morning. TEL: 514-344-9676 514-868-2200*3793 (day time)...
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    ride offer:渥-蒙,周日(8月1号)或周一(8月2号)Ottawa to Montreal

    carpool go to Montreal on Sunday night or Monday morning, 渥太华到蒙特利尔,周日晚或周一早。 TEL:878-1105
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    ride offer:本周五,蒙-渥-蒙,Montreal-Ottawa-Montreal

    Carpool 去渥太华,周五(七月三十号)5:30从蒙特利尔出发。周日或周一回来。 请电:514-344-9676。 514-868-2200 分机3793(白天) 或613-878-1105。 I am leaving from Montreal to Ottawa this Friday evening (Jul 30) around 5:30 PM, and come back to Montreal on Sunday Night or Monday Morning. TEL: 514-344-9676 514-868-2200*3793 (day time)...
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    I am leaving from Montreal to Ottawa this Friday evening (Jul 23) around 5:15 PM, and come back to Montreal on Sunday Night or Monday Morning. TEL: 514-344-9676 514-868-2200*3793 (day time) 613-878-1105 please leave your message if nobody answer the phone, thanks.
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    大卧室出租(8月底或9月初到12月底)(近Baseline Bus Station, Algonquin College, CU, and OU )

    Centrepointe 1 Room (in townhouse: 地面以上两层+地下室)出租 要出租的是二层. 1. Location: Centrepointe Community (中心点: 就在baseline@woodroffe 和 woodroffe@meadowland 之间.). 非常安静,环境幽美(a park with a little pond) 安全(紧靠着是Nepean City Hall). 2. 交通方便: 5分钟步行可至Baseline公交汽车中心及 Algonquin College. 3分钟步行可...
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    I am leaving from Montreal to Ottawa this Friday evening (Jul 16) around 5:45 PM, and come back to Montreal on Sunday Night or Monday Morning. TEL: 514-344-9676 514-868-2200*3793 (day time) 613-878-1105 please leave your message if nobody answer the phone, thanks.
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    近Baseline Bus Station, Algonquin College, CU, and OU 一间大卧室出租(九月到12月)

    A nice furnished, air conditioned room (double size bed, desk, chairs, book shelf, Cable TV,High speed Internet and phone)in a town house,very near baseline bus station, 5 mins walk to Algonquin College. Pravite washroom; shared kitchen and living room. 400/month includes everything (hydro...