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    卖房中遇到一点麻烦, 紧急求助和求教!

    本人在一个多月前卖了渥太华的一个房子,BUYER 没有要求验房, 在CLOSING 前也没有来看过, 现在房子 已经CLOSING 了, 本人不住在渥太华。 这个房子是出租房, CLOSING的时候本人不在场, 在CLOSING 后4天, 那个BUYER 就写EMAIL 给AGENT 说, 有一个门坏了, 而且墙上有多 个SPOTS,他认为是由于以前的TENANT 把墙上的镜框取下时引起。 这一个多月来那个BUYER 要求我立即修复上述的问题, 不然的话, 他说就要请律师上法院告我。今天来信说是最后 的联系了, 以后会通过他的律师联系。 求教各方大神, 这种情况下该怎么办,...
  2. S

    卖房中遇到一点麻烦, 紧急求助和求教!

    本人在一个多月前卖了渥太华的一个房子,BUYER 没有要求验房, 在CLOSING 前也没有来看过, 现在房子 已经CLOSING 了, 本人不住在渥太华。 这个房子是出租房, CLOSING的时候本人不在场, 在CLOSING 后4天, 那个BUYER 就写EMAIL 给AGENT 说, 有一个门坏了, 而且墙上有多 个SPOTS,他认为是由于以前的TENANT 把墙上的镜框取下时引起。 这一个多月来那个BUYER 要求我立即修复上述的问题, 不然的话, 他说就要请律师上法院告我。今天来信说是最后 的联系了, 以后会通过他的律师联系。 求教各方大神, 这种情况下该怎么办,...
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    need 2 seats from ott->London Ont

    at any of time after 2pm, 30th of Dec. email: tel: 613-216-9113 thanks henry
  4. S

    Waterloo->Tor, Fairview Mall->Ott, sat, am

    Sat, 19th, Jun, 7am: Waterloo->Tor, Fairview Mall 9am: Tor, Fairview Mall -> Bayshare, Ottawa call: 519-500-1639 email:
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    Offer: Waterloo->Tor->Ott, Sat, morning

    Sat, 19th, Jun, 7am: Waterloo->Tor, Fairview Mall 9am: Tor, Fairview Mall -> Bayshare, Ottawa call: 613-552-8936 email:
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    Offer: Tor->Ott, Sunday, 14th

    Pick up: Fairview Mall, Tor , 12:00 noon, drop: Bayshare, Ott Tel: 613-552-8936 Email:
  7. S

    offer: Ott<->Tor<->Waterloo, 13-14th. Mar

    Pickup: Bayshore, Ottawa , 6am Sat. 13th. Mar ->Fairview Mall, Toronto ->Waterloo Back: Waterloo, Sunday early morning , 14th ->Fairview Mall, Toronto ( 12:00 noon) -> Bayshore, Ottawa ( 5pm) Call me at: 613-949-8485 613-216-9113 after 6pm email:
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    Looking for carpool tor->Ott, thursday,29Nov

    looking for car pool from tor to ott, thursday , 29th, Nov, 5-6pm call 416-230-7315 email
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    Looking for carpool ott->tor, Sunday pm

    call 416-230-7315 or email:
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    Looking for carpool tor<->Ott,Friday/Sunday

    looking for carpool Tor<->Ott Friday, 26th, Oct/Sunday, 28th, oct call: 416-230-7315 email:
  11. S

    Looking for female tenant , Kanata high-tech area

    Hi, I have a furnished room for rent, with high speed internet, own washroom, parking, every thing. Stay with another female, for a whole freehold town house. The rent is 400/m, every thing included. area code: k2k 3m4 call : 613-254-7459 or email:
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    looking for carpool from Ott->Waterloo, 8, Oct

    Hi, I am looking for car pool from ott->water at Monday, 8th, Oct. call me at: 613-254-7459 asap or email: THanks. henry
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    Kanata Hich-Tech Area/looking for female tenant

    I have a furnished room for rent, with high speed internet, washer, parking, own washroom, every thing. Stay with another Chinese female, for a whole freehold town house. The rent is $400/m, all included. Call me at: 613-254-7459 or : /looking for female tenant
  14. S

    Kanata Hich-Tech Area/looking for female tenant

    I have a furnished room for rent, with high speed internet, washer, parking, own washroom, every thing. Stay with another female, for a whole freehold town house. The rent is $400/m, all included. Call me at: 613-254-7459 or :
  15. S

    Kanata Hich-Tech Area/looking for female tenant

    I have a furnished room for rent, with high speed internet, washer, parking, own washroom, every thing. Stay with another Chinese female, for a whole freehold town house. The rent is $400/m, every thing included. Call me at: 613-254-7459 or :