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    请问哪位知道今年在BARRHAVEN地区有没有中文学校的SUMMERCAMP啊? 谢谢
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    需要给车做BODY WORK,请问哪里比较好。最好是BELLS CORNER 或者BARRHAVEN 地区的。谢谢
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    找近Barrhaven的homecare, 超急!!!

    可以帮忙. 我家住Barrhaven西边,可以在家看小孩,包中餐,可否,请悄悄话.
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    我有伺候月子的经验,如果你在7-9月间生BABY, 需要请人帮忙, 请悄悄话与我联系, 谢谢.
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    8辆二手自行车, 价格$20到$50,欢迎选购,请QQH

    8辆二手自行车, 价格$20到$50,欢迎选购,请QQH
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    带小孩,钟点服务 在Meadowlands & Merivale一带

    便民:带小孩,钟点服务,扦裤脚, 手工水饺, 在Meadowlands & Merivale一带 带小孩:有经验. 入户做钟点服务:人勤快,手脚麻利. 扦裤脚服务: 活细致. 手工水饺: 猪肉蔬菜馅,皮薄馅大. 请QQH.
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    便民:带小孩,钟点服务,扦裤脚, 手工水饺, 在Meadowlands & Merivale一带

    带小孩:有经验. 入户做钟点服务:人勤快,手脚麻利. 扦裤脚服务: 活细致. 手工水饺: 猪肉蔬菜馅,皮薄馅大. 请QQH.
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    Dumpling, Near Meadowlands & Merivale.

    饺子. 猪肉 蔬菜. 近 Meadowlands & Merivale. 5 for $1.00 Frozen. $.50 extra for cooked. Please QQH.
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    有人想吃吗? 在Meadowlands and Merivale附近的可以送. 请QQH.
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    好屋出租 Meadowlands & Merivale

    Townhouse 中一卧室出租, 包家具,水电暖,上网,有洗衣机干衣机. 近公车线路#86, #117, #111, #57, #156. 近Farmboy, Zellers, Independent, Winners, 图书馆. 愿找一位干净整洁,可靠人士.月租$375. 请QQH
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    搬家, 卖家具,单人床, 窗式空调(sold),换气扇, 衣柜,职业装,旗袍......

    沙发床$30 床头柜$5 衣柜 $20 写字桌$15 转椅 $5 单人床 $55 滚轴旱冰鞋 $20 换气扇(樱花牌, 一年半新) $130
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    1 room in a house(everything included). 10mins bus ride to CU/AC. Direct bus to OU.

    1 Furnished room for rent in a quite area. Everything included. Available in February($400). Close to OC Transpo. Direct bus to Carleton U, Algoquin College, and Ottawa U. At Fisher and Meadowlands.15 minutes walk to grocery store, bank, shopping mall, and public library. Lady preferred. Please QQH
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    Looking for a helper

    I am looking for a helper, who can cook supper for my family for two or three days per week. The area is Fisher and Meadowlands. Close to Bus Route #86, #57, #111, and #117. If interested, please QQH.
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    Looking for a helper

    I am looking for a helper, who can cook supper for my family for two or three days per week. The area is Fisher and Meadowlands. Close to Bus Route #86, #57, #111, and #117. If interested, please QQH.