W welcomelm 本站元老 注册 2008-07-21 消息 12,836 荣誉分数 2,893 声望点数 373 2025-02-01 #1 Remarks by President Trump at a Signing Ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement – The White House trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov
Remarks by President Trump at a Signing Ceremony for the United States-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement – The White House trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,944 荣誉分数 37,640 声望点数 1,393 2025-02-01 #2 特朗普自己干的事情,都是比较级最高级的。 最后编辑: 2025-02-01
向问天 日月神教光明左使 VIP 注册 2012-09-04 消息 64,137 荣誉分数 11,603 声望点数 1,373 2025-02-02 #4 想起布林肯,他喋喋不休地说 rule-based ,还到中国去说教。现在川普给了他几个大耳刮子。他在哪?
T today123 新手上路 注册 2022-10-17 消息 33 荣誉分数 4 声望点数 18 2025-02-02 #5 The USMCA's review clause requires the three countries to meet to review the agreement every six years.
The USMCA's review clause requires the three countries to meet to review the agreement every six years.
A askCFC 初级会员 注册 2022-08-29 消息 600 荣誉分数 157 声望点数 53 2025-02-02 #6 today123 说: The USMCA's review clause requires the three countries to meet to review the agreement every six years. 点击展开... 6年还没有到。 跟川普打交道,你跟他讲公平就输了。他永远觉得自己吃亏了,过几天就反悔,让步只会让他觉得还有更多油水,无穷无尽,只有以牙还牙,没有其他的路
today123 说: The USMCA's review clause requires the three countries to meet to review the agreement every six years. 点击展开... 6年还没有到。 跟川普打交道,你跟他讲公平就输了。他永远觉得自己吃亏了,过几天就反悔,让步只会让他觉得还有更多油水,无穷无尽,只有以牙还牙,没有其他的路