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    多伦多-渥太华 Offer: Toronto=>Ottawa=>Toronto Sep 20/22, Friday/Sunday

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday Sep. 20, 4:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Theatre ), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:30PM). Drop off at Bayshore mall/Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa =>Toronto Sunday, September 22, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping...
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    渥太华-多伦多 Offer: Ottawa=>Toronto September 15 Sunday

    Sunday, September 15, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or UOttawa(4:00PM); drop off at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER/Fairview Mall/along 401 beyond 400 Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Text or call 613-864-6055(cell)
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    多伦多-渥太华 Offer: Toronto=>Ottawa=>Toronto Sep 13/15, Friday/Sunday

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday Sep. 13, 4:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Theatre ), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:30PM). Drop off at Bayshore mall/Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa =>Toronto Sunday, September 15, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping...
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    多伦多-渥太华 Offer: Toronto<=>Ottawa Sep 13/15, Friday/Sunday

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday Sep. 13, 4:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Theatre ), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:30PM). Drop off at Bayshore mall/Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa =>Toronto Sunday, September 15, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping...
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    多伦多-渥太华 Offer: Toronto to Ottawa Sep 13, Friday

    Friday Sep. 13, 4:10PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Theatre ), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:40PM). Drop off at Bayshore mall/Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Cost: $30 Text at 613-864-6055(cell) Call after 6:00PM
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    多伦多-渥太华 Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa =>Toronto September 6/8, Friday/Sunday

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday Sep. 6, 4:10PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Theatre ), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:40PM). Drop off at Bayshore mall/Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa =>Toronto Sunday, September 8, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping...
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    多伦多-渥太华 Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa =>Toronto September 6/8, Friday/Sunday

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday Sep. 6, 4:10PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Theatre ), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:40PM). Drop off at Bayshore mall/Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa =>Toronto Sunday, September 8, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping...
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    Offer: Ottawa=>Toronto September 2 Monday

    Monday, September 2, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or UOttawa(4:00PM); drop off at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER/Fairview Mall/along 401 beyond 400 Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Text or call 613-864-6055(cell)
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    Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa August 16, Friday

    Friday August 16, 4:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Sear), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:30PM). Drop off at Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Text at 613-864-6055(cell) Call...
  10. A

    Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa August 16, Friday

    Friday August 16, 4:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Sear), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:30PM). Drop off at Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Text at 613-864-6055(cell) Call...
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    多伦多-渥太华 Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa August 16, Friday

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday August 16, 4:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Sear), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 3:30PM). Drop off at Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Text at...
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    提供8月10日(周六)12:00多伦多至瀑布outlet及其他景点往返顺风车 Pick up @ Dundas & Bay Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Text 613-864-6055 call after 6:00 pm
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    渥太华-多伦多 Offer: Ottawa=>Toronto August 5 Monday

    Monday, August 5, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or UOttawa(4:00PM); drop off at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER/Fairview Mall/along 401 beyond 400 Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Text or call 613-864-6055(cell)
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    渥太华-多伦多 Offer: Ottawa=>Toronto July 28 Sunday

    Sunday, July 28, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or UOttawa(4:00PM); drop off at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER/Fairview Mall/along 401 beyond 400 Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Text or call 613-864-6055(cell)
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    Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa June 28, Friday

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday June 28, 5:30PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Sear), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 5:00PM). Drop off at Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Text at...
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    Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa=>Toronto June 28/ July 1, Fri/Mon

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday June 28, 5:30PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Sear), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 5:00PM). Drop off at Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa=>Toronto: Sunday, June 16, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or...
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    Offer: Ottawa=>Toronto June 16, Sunday

    Ottawa=>Toronto: Sunday, June 16, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or UOttawa; drop off at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER/Fairview Mall/along 401 beyond 400 Buick SUV, Leather with Huge Space, Safety and Comfortable!!! Cost: $30 Call or Text at 613-864-6055(cell)
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    Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa=>Toronto June 14/16, Fri/Sun

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday June 14, 5:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Sear), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 4:40PM). Drop off at Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa=>Toronto: Sunday, June 16, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or...
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    Offer: Toronto=> Ottawa=>Toronto June 14/16, Fri/Sun

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday June 14, 5:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Sear), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 4:40PM). Drop off at Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa=>Toronto: Sunday, June 16, 4:30PM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or...
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    Carpool offer: Friday, June 14 Toronto=> Ottawa=>Toronto

    Toronto=>Ottawa: Friday June 14, 5:00PM, pick up at SCARBOROUGH TOWN CENTER (Sear), or YorkDale Mall (Indigo 4:40PM). Drop off at Greenbank Rd (Chapter) in Ottawa or along high way beyond Lees Avenue Ottawa=>Toronto: Monday, June 16, 4:30AM, pick up at Bayshore shopping mall (TD Bank) or...