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    adm1300 $30 adm2341 7th edition. $30 sold adm2336 $65 adm3350 $90 esl2361 $45 qqh me if you want
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    adm2341$30, 7th edition adm2336$65 esl2361$48 i still have adm1300, if you want $50.but without internet access... qqh me...
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    sell ADM1300$60

    sell adm1300/1100 great condition,but i sell it without the online access. therefore, you may need to get your cases from you group member. if its okay with you, contact me by using QQH
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    i took esl500 when i came to ou. i didn't take cantest, but my friend did. it is not hard, but there are some requirement you need to reach... and my friend didn't pass...sad but for the esl courses, i am sure you can pass them since they might be easier for chinese students. haha... for...
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    << uOttawa geegee 羽毛球队选拔赛 >>

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    OU telfer school-usedbooks

    ou telfer school-usedbooks yluo053@uottawa.ca www.comefromchina.com ADM1300/1100 Introduction to Business Management $60 ADM1301 Social Context of Business $30 MORE NEW BOOKS AS FOLLOW, ESL500 FOUCE ON GRAMMAR TOTAL NEW$40 ESL2361 TOTAL NEW$50
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    学生,从中国来,随身带了索爱W580I的手机.香港买的. 因为有了手机,所以并不想又买一部才能打电话.所以想问问看,可以象国内一样买张SIM卡或是什么的就可以使用了么? 如果实在没有办法,我又应该选择什么公司的什么套餐服务.(经济实惠学生型) 没有电话很不方便啊 *-*
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    ou telfer school-usedbooks

    ADM1300/1100 Introduction to Business Management $60 ADM1301 Social Context of Business $30 MORE NEW BOOKS AS FOLLOW, ESL500 FOUCE ON GRAMMAR TOTAL NEW$40 ESL2361 TOTAL NEW$50
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    1) ADM1300 $60 -----9成新 2) ADM1301 $30 -----二手转卖 3) ESL2361 $50 -----全新 4) ESL500 GRAMMAR BOOK+习题答案 $40 -----全新 如有需求请发邮件到yluo053@uottawa.ca 谢谢