
  1. K


    I'm interested in Math 1009 and 1119. Please email me at kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk
  2. K

    卖 ECON 1000 Microeconomics + Study Guide - sold

    Sorry, it's Econ 1000 for $20 BUSI 1001 for $70. email me at kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk
  3. K

    卖 ECON 1000 Microeconomics + Study Guide - sold

    卖~ BUSI 1001 - 2nd,附送,所有该有的资料 Though it's old version, it's 99% the same 书 + study guide - 20刀 (cheap!!) 2nd edition 97% new 附送,所有该有的资料: - ans to some questions in the book - 完整的笔记 - 考试题
  4. K


    I have BUSI 1001, include textbook (99.9% new), neat and tidy notes + solutions to suggested problems. Please email me at kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk.
  5. K

    卖 Math 0007 & Math 0107 附送 solutions

    卖 Math 0107 ALGEBRA & GEOMETRY Author: DUNKLEY 附送,所有该有的资料: - 完整的笔记 - solutions to all suggested problems in the book - 考试题 all are neat and tidy! Email: kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk --------------------------------------- Math 0007 CALCULUS: FIRST COURSE Author: STEWART...
  6. K

    卖 math 1119 second edition

    I'm interested. Please email me at kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk Thanks!
  7. K

    卖 Math 1119 和 1009 课本~都是最新版

    I'm interested. Please email me at kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk Thanks!
  8. K

    卖 BUSI 1001 附送,所有该有的资料

    卖~ BUSI 1001 - 2nd,附送,所有该有的资料 新书- 70刀 2nd edition 99.9% new 附送,所有该有的资料: - ans to some questions in the book - 完整的笔记 - 考试题(我刚刚考完这次的,很多相似的题目,甚至有一模一样的!) Email: kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk
  9. K

    卖~ BUSI 1001 - 2nd,附送所有

    卖~ BUSI 1001 - ,附送,所有该有的资料 Author: kimmel 2nd edition 我卖的是新书- 75 刀 99.9% new!! 附送,所有该有的资料: 完整的笔记 上次的期末考试题(我刚刚考完这次的,很多相似的题目,甚至有一模一样的!) EMAIL: kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk Thank you!! CFC中文网 - www.comefromchina.com
  10. K

    math 6th 1009+笔记和考试题

    i'm interested. Please email me at kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk Thanks!
  11. K

    Need: BUSI 1001 Text Book

    Hi, I'm selling BUSI 1001 for $70 (with all detailed and neat notes, solutions for some problems in book, sample exam papers) Please email me at kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk
  12. K

    卖CU的书,BUSI1001,1002,1402/MATH1009,1119,MATH 2107/ECON2201,2400,2102,2002,

    i'm interested in Math 1009 and 1119. Please email me at kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk Thanks!
  13. K

    卖书 PSYC1001&1002 书以卖出

    I want the book. pls email me: kuku_maika123@yahoo.com.hk