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    Offer: 6th, Jul, Ott->Tor->Ott

    Ott->Tor, 8am, 6th, jul, bayshore shopping mall (TD bank). drop off: FairView mall Tor->Ott, 5pm,6th, jul, FairView mall, drop bayshore mall. 25/way call: 613-862-7459 henry
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    looking for carpool from Ottawa-Toronto, 6th, Jul

    I am looking for Carpool from Ottawa to Toronto at early morning of 6th, Jul (Friday) Call: 613-254-7459 613-862-7459 (Cell) email: henryxunnan@hotmail.com HEnry
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    looking for carpool from Ott-Tor, 6th, Jul

    I am looking for Carpool from Ottawa to Toronto at early morning of 6th, Jul (Friday) Call: 613-254-7459 613-862-7459 (Cell) email: henryxunnan@hotmail.com HEnry
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    Looking for carpool, from Waterloo->Ottawa(Friday(8th, jun))

    Looking for carpool, from Waterloo->Ottawa at this Friday(8th, jun) call: 519-725-3518 613-254-7459 613-862-7459 (cell) thanks. Henry
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    looking for carpool from Ott-Tor, or Waterloo

    I am looking for carpool from ott to waterloo, or from ott to toronto at: 28th, Apr, Saturday. pls call: 613-254-7459 email: henryxunnan@hotmail.com thanks henry
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    looking for carpool, ott to waterloo, 31th

    looking for car pool from ottawa to waterloo at 31th, dec, back to ottawa at 1st, jan. email; henryxunnan@hotmail.com tel: 613-254-7459 thanks! henry
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    Need ride from Ott to Waterloo (return) at this weekend

    need ride, ott to waterloo, 15th (Friday), or 16th (Satturday), waterloo to ott , 17th ( sunday) email: henryxunnan@hotmail.com tel: 613-254-7459
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    Need ride from Ott to Waterloo (return) at this long weekend

    Call: 613-254-7459 email: henryxunnan@hotmail.com
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    Offer: Ottawa --> Markham(Toronto) (1pm , Friday, Sep 01)

    Renting a new car with room for THREE Leaving Ottawa (Kanata Town Center 1pm , Friday, Sep 01) Drop off in Markham (Toronto) area. $25 one way call 613-232-4295 X 237 (day time) 613-254-7459 (after 7pm) email: henryxun...@hotmail.com (will reply immidiately) Henry
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    代卖二幅老虎国画, 画中老虎栩栩如生, 裱装精致, 带玻璃镜框。 为一国内著名画家所画。 大小: 画框: 54 x 54cm 价格: 120 http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/xuhenry88/detail?.dir=d692&.dnm=2fbd.jpg&.src=ph 价格: 150 http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/xuhenry88/detail?.dir=d692&.dnm=6517.jpg&.src=ph 如要更清楚的照片, 可给EMAIL. 613-254-7459...
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    本人急需本月(12月)渥太华地区BUS月票的发票一张,要EXPRESS的,87加元左右。 将付10加元作为报酬。 有意请电: 613-254-7459 或: xuhenry88@yahoo.com