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    [请求] 好心人顺路护送父母回北京!

    我公公婆婆探亲期满,想于5月下旬至六月上旬回北京。但是他们不通英文,又很少自己出门。若有哪位好心人正于此时间回国,请帮忙伸出援手,告知我们你们出发日期,我们可订同日的票。您只需顺带指引他们登机,转机,北京机场自有人接。我夫妇不胜感激。愿从此交个朋友,日后图报。 联系电话:776-5883。联系人:ANNA. E-mail: annawcy@yahoo.com
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    [公告] 欢迎参加交新友卡拉OK交谊舞晚会。FREE!!!

    为丰富Outaouis地区华人文娱生活及提供平台为广大华人结交新朋友, 吾太维地区中国联谊会定于3月27日晚(星期六)7:00正在39 Leduc,HUll,举办交新友卡拉OK交谊舞晚会。 数万首歌曲任您点唱, 宽敞的舞池任您翩然起舞! 免费入场。 欢迎大家踊跃参加,共度一个美好的夜晚!
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    [请求] 弟兄姐妹们谁知道移民学生在政府部门CO-OP实习的规定?急!!!

    I studied at Heritage college for 2 years. I passed all the courese, I'm qualified to participate the CO_OP. But our coordinator only can find one job interview in Gov't public service organization. And after she found out that I'm not a Canadian citizen, she said school can't send me to...
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    [请求] 请问哪位弟兄姐妹知道移民学生在政府部门CO_OP的限制?

    I studied at Heritage College for two year. I passed all the courses, I wish to be given a co-op job this summer from the school. But it turns out that out coordinator only can find the job opportunities in the Gov't or Public service organization. And I am told that because I'm not a Canadian...