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    Wind Mobile Tablet Data SIM 1G / month until Mid Jan 2016

    One Wind Mobile Tablet Data SIM for sale for $60(prepaid for a year, only half a year left) due to phone upgrade. the data SIM permits 1GB per month, extra overage needs to prepay, the plan is good until Jan 10, 2016. No voice plan with the SIM. qqh please.
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    尊敬的各位, 南京市秦淮区高新园将到Montreal招才引智. 现已定在本月29日. 他们由秦淮区区委常委、组织部部长姜宸领队一行六人前来推介南京白下高新暨紫金白下科技创业特别社区. 他们招才引智的重点包括新一代信息技术、通信、节能环保、生物医药、文化创意、新能源、新材料、等各专业领域。希望有5年以上工作经历(最好有创业经历)、想回国创业的人才积极参加! 时间: 8月29日下午 5:00 起, 咖啡/茶+点心; 6:00招才引智推介会开始; 地点: 唐人街文化宫 有兴趣者请尽早回信,以便统计人数。 同时也请转送此信给你认识的有兴趣回国创业的朋友。 谢谢!...
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    尊敬的各位, 上次提到南京市白下区高新园将到Montreal招才引智. 现已定在本月10日. 他们这次派出了强大的阵容: 由白下高新技术产业园区管委会主任及招商处主任一行五人前来推介南京白下高新暨紫金白下科技创业特别社区. 他们招才引智的重点是在新能源、新材料、生物技术和新医药、节能环保、新一代信息技术和软件、物联网和云计算、高端装备制造、新能源汽车、智能电网、海洋工程装备、文化产业和现代农业等高新技术产业或现代服务业领域从事研发和实施科技成果产业化的高层次人才: 具有硕士(含)以上学位,年龄一般不超过55周岁...
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    The best price of this month for 2011 Honda Odyssey

    Can you post your purchase price for this month's Honda Odyssey 2011? Honda gives $2000 cash back.
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    How much value is the package

    Canon® EOS Rebel T3 12.2 MP Digital SLR Camera DIGIC 4 Processor Full HD Video 3.0 Frames per Second Continuous Shooting Canon® EF-S 18-55 mm F/3.5-5.6 IS + Canon® EF 75-300 mm F/4.0-5.6 III USM lens Costco @ $750 Anybody use this camera? Any comments?
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    Rogers Prepaid SIM Card with $50 Airtime

    New, only $40. Add $10, it goes with a simple Rogers prepaid phone.
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    卖滑雪板, 滑雪鞋, 20-80Lb Carseat

    滑雪板 1: Mens PowerFlex 165cm $12 2: Mens Rossignol 175cm $15 滑雪鞋 $10 Men's, Caber CL32, Size 8 儿童 滑雪鞋 1: Salomon Team 3.0, Size 23.5(US 5), 282mm sole $15 2: Head Carve X3, Size 23 - 23.5 (US 4.5), 271 mm sole $15 儿童汽车座椅 Cosco Alpher MIGA 20-80Lbs Boost Car Seat...
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    找 Garmin inland lakes - Ontario Map

    please qqh me if you have a unlocked garmin inland lakes - ontario, or post me a link if you know any free download. it costs $112 to download from Garmin.com. Thanks.
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    钓鱼声纳, 船

    正值圣诞购物之际, 大家说说什么声纳, 船比较好用。
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    For Sale: Rogers Prepaid SIM Card

    Rogers Prepaid SIM Card with $35 air time, sale for $40 ( expires on Jan. 2008). Nokia 1600 Phone (1 month old Nokia - Nokia 1600 - Phones - Find products ) with the SIM for only $70. Please QQH.
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    Sealy Queen Size Mattress Spring Box[推荐]

    Brand new Sealy Queen Size Sprint Box. Bought as a set from Costco but only used the Mattress. $50 QQH Please.
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    CPU,CPU风扇,TrendNet 54Mbps Wireless Router, Network Everywhere 11mbps [推荐]

    CPU: AMD Athlon XP Duron 2600+, with Fan $35 (CPU $25 + Fan $10) TrendNet 54Mbps Wireless Router $15 Network Everywhere 802.11b receiver 11mbps $10 40xCD ROM $5 QQH Please
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    [寻找] 求购AMD SOCKET A 2600+ 母板

    需要一块SOCKET 母板能插AMD ATHALON 2600+ CPU, QQH
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    1: IBM 扫瞄仪 IDEALSCAN SCANNER $10 2: YAMAHA PSR-210 61 健电子琴, 琴架(价值 $50) $50 3: 室内电视天线 $5 4: 九成新无线路由器 Trendnet 54Mbps Wireless-G(802.11G) Router (TEW-432BRP) $25...
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    Moving Sale

    Baby Trolley: $5 Baby Seat: $3 IBM scanner (parrel port connectivity): $15 Cannon Color Printer (BJC210): $10 Yamaha PSR210 61 Key Keyboard with Stand: $100
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    [公告] Carpool offer Jan. 3 Ottawa->MTL 7:30am

    Jan. 3 from Ottawa 7:30am to Montreal downtown. $10/person/way. Call (613)8283451 Or email: klee19444@yahoo.ca before 11:00pm Sunday.
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    [公告] Dec 27th Ott->MTL, Dec 30, MTL->Ott

    Seats available on Dec 27th, 2004 early morning (6:00-8:00am) leaving Ottawa to Montreal (downtown). Dec 30, 2004, from Montreal to Ottawa (afternoon, 12-3:00pm). Contact klee19444@yahoo.ca or (613) 828 3451, (514) 7981396 (working hours).
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    [公告] Carpool offer On 19th Sept OTT-MTL 7-8pm

    Ottawa-Montreal on 19th Sept (Sunday). Pickup at Lincoln Fields Bus Station (Warmart parking Lot) around 7:00-8:00pm(neg), Dropoff at Lasalle Metro Station arount 9:00-10:00pm. $10 per person. call (613)271 7752 (work days) or mail klee19444@yahoo.ca before 19th Sept.
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    Offer: Ott-12/Apr 5pm-Tor-13/Apr-5pm-OTT[必看]

    Riders(max 5) offered from Ottawa 12/April/2004 5:00pm leave Ottawa to Scarborough/Toronto, Back from Toronto/Scarborough on 13th April/2004 before 5:00pm in Toronto. Send email before 12 April to klee19444@hotmail.com. I will call you back.