
  1. Aeoliao

    卖鱼缸(送各种养鱼设备), 小的40加仑带底座,40$,大的1.6mx0.6mx0.3m, 80$

    在阿甘昆学院附近,自取。 613-265-6219
  2. Aeoliao


  3. Aeoliao

    发个偏题信息 ING银行搞活动 免费开一个check帐户 把payroll转上去,送185$

    ING DIRECT has partnered with the RedFlagDeals.com Deal of the Day to bring you an awesome exclusive offer! When you become a new ING DIRECT Client and switch your payroll to a THRiVE Chequing Account, you'll get a $185 bonus deposit. That's $185 and you don't have to pay a cent! Here's how it...
  4. Aeoliao

    ING银行搞活动 免费开一个check帐户 把payroll转上去,送185$

    ING DIRECT has partnered with the RedFlagDeals.com Deal of the Day to bring you an awesome exclusive offer! When you become a new ING DIRECT Client and switch your payroll to a THRiVE Chequing Account, you'll get a $185 bonus deposit. That's $185 and you don't have to pay a cent! Here's how it...
  5. Aeoliao

    (照片)真皮沙发 ,单人,双人, 三人 各1个。全部一起要 260 包送货

    联系电话613 265 6219 单人 100 双人 150 三人 的为黑色 50 送货加30 全部一起要 260 包送货。
  6. Aeoliao

    卖全新 EF 24mm / 1.4 II

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  7. Aeoliao

    卖全新 EF 24mm / 1.4 II

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  8. Aeoliao


    申报了500美元的insurance, 结果收税 65加币 去年邮寄的没有申报insurance, 就没有收税。 可以申请抵免么?
  9. Aeoliao

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    boxing day 凌晨发现psp 19.99一个,立刻刷卡订了2个,invoice都打印出来了,结果今天发email通知我,说价格打错了,拒绝交易。 这属于违约么? 该怎么办?
  10. Aeoliao


    价格很不错,不知效果如何 http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/searchtools/item-Details.asp?EdpNo=4425255&sku=W132-2000
  11. Aeoliao


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  12. Aeoliao

    降价了 卖17寸LCD LG L1710s 50$

    使用3年,现卖 50$ 图片为样品,实际为黑色 613-265-6219
  13. Aeoliao

    降价了 Sharp Aquos LC42D43U 42-Inch 720p LCD HDTV , like new,799$

    price drop to 888$ now. or give me a offer, i will sell to the best offer at the end of Nov Sharp Aquos LC42D43U 42-Inch 720p LCD HDTV US price: Amazon.com: Sharp Aquos LC42D43U 42-Inch 720p LCD HDTV: Electronics ask for 799 canadian dollar or best offer QQH your offer or call 613 -265-6219
  14. Aeoliao

    降价了 Sharp Aquos LC42D43U 42-Inch 720p LCD HDTV , like new,888$

    price drop to 888$ now. or give me a offer, i will sell to the best offer at the end of Nov Sharp Aquos LC42D43U 42-Inch 720p LCD HDTV US price: Amazon.com: Sharp Aquos LC42D43U 42-Inch 720p LCD HDTV: Electronics ask for 980 canadian dollar or best offer QQH your offer or call 613 -265-6219
  15. Aeoliao

    algonquin park哪条trail景色最好?

    就这2周估计就可以拍枫叶了 Good places for viewing: West Gate (km 0.0) Algonquin Art Centre (km 20.0) Two Rivers Picnic Ground and Beach (km 33.8) Visitor Centre Viewing Deck (km 43.0) Brewer Lake (km 48.6) Algonquin's Backcountry (Interior) Side Roads with Great Foliage Viewing Opportunities...
  16. Aeoliao

    Leica M9

  17. Aeoliao

    卖 DDR一代 3200 512M 10$

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  18. Aeoliao


    a850 Sony launches DSLR-A850 full-frame digital SLR: Digital Photography Review 24M pixel 机身防抖 加上zeiss的镜头群,竞争力很强大啊
  19. Aeoliao

    Final Price After Rebate: $59.99 Sandisk 8 GB Extreme IV, 45B/s CompactFlash 300X Me

    Sandisk 8 GB Extreme IV, 45B/s CompactFlash 300X Memory Card {SDCFX4-8192-901} |BeachCamera.com
  20. Aeoliao

    great deal for Canon fans, 17-40L ,580$ in black

    BlacksPhoto - Product (Canon EF 17-40mm f4.0L USM)