
  1. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(DEC 20th noon)

    Leaving Toronto on 1:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at sheppard subway station ,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). new full size car,and experienced steady-going four stars G driver,8...
  2. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(DEC 21st noon,2 seats still available)

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(DEC 21st noon,2 seats still available) Leaving Toronto on 9:30AM or 12:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at sheppard subway station ,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,somewhere else in downtown on the...
  3. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(Nov 30th上午)

    Leaving Toronto on Nov 30th 10:30AM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at sheppard subway station ,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). for back toronto leaves at 5:00PM .new full size car,and...
  4. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(Nov 16th-Nov 17th)

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(Nov 16th<->Nov 17th) Leaving Toronto on Nov 16th 1:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at sheppard subway station ,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). for back...
  5. M

    need a carpool from toronto-ottawa(26-28)

    need pick up in yonge/finch,leave around 2 PM or earlier than that time drop off in kanata town center for back toronto,need to leave early around 1:00PM,still need to drop off in yonge/finch,PM me or mayin2005@hotmail.com
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    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(sep 28th<->sep30th)

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(sep 28th<->sep 30th) Leaving Toronto on sep 28th 1:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,Scarborough Town Center,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,southkey or somewhere else in...
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    顺风车 Ottawa->Toronto(AUG 21 )

    顺风车 Ottawa->Toronto(AUG 21 ) Leaving OTTAWA on AUG 21 8:00AM sharp(TUESDAY) from billingsbridge,can pick you up downtown Ottawa or OU, or somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). will drop you Finch subway station. subway station along 401 ,Scarborough Town Center,or your home if not...
  8. M

    5月5号 carpool offer toronto to ottawa

    早上7:30出发 回来是6号中午 email:mayin2005@hotmail.com yinjiang2005@yahoo.ca
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    周六(3月24号)Ottawa---〉Toronto carpool offer(还有三个座位)

    leaves at 1:30PM 24th new full size car( Chevy Impala, Ford Taurus or VW JETTA), and experienced steady-going four stars G driver,8 years safe driving record. Only 3 passengers ) Asking $25 for single trip email me fast and leave you phone number,i will leave toronto early! If interested...
  10. M

    ride OFFER Toronto<->Ottawa(mar 30<->apr1)

    Leaving Toronto on Mar 30 11:00AM or 1:00PM sharp from Finch subway station. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,Scarborough Town Center,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,southkey or somewhere else in downtown on the route(<2KM). for back toronto...
  11. M

    carpool offer:Toronto <-> ottawa 3seats still available(Mar 9th-Mar11th)

    Toronto -> ottawa 3 seats still available Ottawa->toronto 3 seat still available Leaving Toronto from YONGE/FINCH SUBWAY at 1:00PM. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,Scarborough Town Center,usually no home pick up ,sorrY!will be arrive in ottawa on which have enough time to have supper...
  12. M


    carpool offer:TORONTO(DEC26st)<---OTTAWA Ottawa->toronto 2 seats still available For back toronto leaves at Dec 26st 1:30PM drop off :reasonable place alone 401,Scarborough Town Center, FINCH SUBWAY STATION,mostly cannot send you home ,sorry! new car Pontiac G6, and experienced...
  13. M

    carpool offer:去OTTAWA过圣诞节,周五TORONTO(DEC22rd)<--->OTTAWA

    carpool offer:TORONTO(DEC1st)<--->OTTAWA(Dec22rd) Toronto -> ottawa 0 seats still available Ottawa->toronto 2 seats still available Leaving Toronto from YONGE/FINCH SUBWAY 1:30PM. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,fairview MALL,Scarborough Town Center,usually no home pick up ,sorry...
  14. M

    carpool offer:TORONTO(DEC1st)<--->OTTAWA(Dec2nd)

    Toronto -> ottawa 4 seats still available Ottawa->toronto 4 seat still available Leaving Toronto from YONGE/FINCH SUBWAY 6:30PM. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,fairview MALL,Scarborough Town Center,usually no home pick up ,sorry drop off :bayshore, other reasonable place around...
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    carpool offer

    no or PM
  16. M

    carpool offer:TORONTO(NOV17)<--->OTTAWA(NOV18)

    Toronto -> ottawa 3 seats still available Ottawa->toronto 4 seat still available TORONTO->OTTAWA(NOV17 1:00PM ) OTTAWA->TORONTO(NOV18 6:30AM )(4 seats avail.) Leaving Toronto from YONGE/FINCH SUBWAY. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,fairview MALL,Scarborough Town...
  17. M

    need a carpool(Aug 18 Fri) Toronto -> Ottawa

    need to leave early afternoon in Aug 18,and need to pick up in downsview subway in toronto and drop off nearby the southkey in ottawa,please PM,or send mail to mayin2005@hotmail.com
  18. M

    anybody still have the carpool from toronto to ottawa 22rd?

    give me immediately PM.i will call you back soon,i'd like leave toronto later afternoon
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    I need a pick up in the area of downsview subway station,plz send me a PM,i will not go to fairview mall or scarborough town center,thanx
  20. M

    OFFER:OTTAWA(May7)->TORONTO(1 seats avail.)

    OFFER:OTTAWA->TORONTO( may 5 around 3:30PM )(1 seats avail.) Leaving Toronto on May 5 from downsview subway station. Can pick up at subway station along 401 ,fairview MALL,Scarborough Town Center,or your home if not too far for me .Will send u home in downtown Ottawa or OU,southkey or...