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    近CU,1375 prince of wales 7月1号入住

    一房一厅 apartment, 7月1号入住 客厅出租,350+网费(和室友平分)。(水,电,煤气已包含) 靠近 CU, 走路约15 分钟 ,有 117 直达 学校,有3 路车去 downtown. 楼下有tim houtons, td bank, 麦当劳,超市,shopperdrugmart,生活方便。 call 613-304-0407
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    近CU, 1376 prince of wales, 客厅出租,六月底入住

    现在因为回国,客厅转租。 这是一房一厅的apartment, 房子已住人,是CU学生,客厅出租。房子在高层, 有很好的景色。客厅有很大的空间。 这里很靠近CU,步行要20分钟,骑单车约10分钟,楼下有117 直到CU, 或 3 路直到downtown. 楼下有超市,麦当劳,银行 和 shoppersdrugmart. 生活方便。 月租$350+网费 share. 六月底入住。 call 613-304-0407
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    近CU,1375 prince of wales dr 出租,六月中入住

    现在因为回国,客厅转租。 这是一房一厅的apartment, 房子已住人,是CU学生,客厅出租。房子在高层, 有很好的景色。客厅有很大的空间。 这里很靠近CU,步行要20分钟,骑单车约10分钟,楼下有117 直到CU, 或 3 路直到downtown. 楼下有超市,麦当劳,银行 和 shoppersdrugmart. 生活方便。 月租$350+网费 share. 六月中入住。
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    rogers prepaid cell phone top-up card

    rogers prepaid cell phone top-up card. $100 value, buy with $113, sell for $90. has 360 expired days. call 613-304-0407
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    九月找单人房,步行到CU, $400左右

    寻找单人房,靠近cu, 15分钟可步行到cu,九月入住。 价格在$400左右。 email: portliang@hotmail.com
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    looking for a room near CU-start from June 18th

    hi, i am a male cu student looking for a room(aprarment or house are both considerable) which close to CU. the renting date i need to start from June 18. if any one think their condition are fitable, please feel free to send me a e-mail (portliang@hotmail.com). thanks.
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    [寻找] ((((( looking for a heater/ 加热器)))))

    i am looking for a heater. used or new are both acceptabe.is any one intersted to selling his/her heater, please send me a e-mail. portliang@hotmail.com thanks <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< 我想找一个加热器, 新和旧都可以。 任何人有兴趣卖他/她的加热器,请给 我发一封电子邮件。...
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    [寻找] #####BICYCLE#####

    i do not have special requirement, just the bicycle shall be good condition and esay to drive. the price up to $40 if u interest, qq me. thanks.
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    i want a used bicycle, price under 40d(better includ the locker). i don't care male stytle or female stytle and just chose the best one. if u interested, please QQ me.