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    渥太华-多伦多 Sept 24 Ottawa to Toronto 4 pm

    Leaving at 4 pm Pick from baseline station or bay shore centre. Drop off at Scarborough town centre $30 per person Please contact Wei at 6473391889 Thanks, P.s no food or drink in the car please
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    多伦多-渥太华 九月16号,星期一早上10出发

    如题 将于Scarborough town center 接 可以送到Bayshore center和baseline station 请致电6473391889找 Wei 预约 $30一人
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    Carpool offer June 10 Ottawa to Toronto

    Leaving at 3 pm Picking up at bay shore centre Drop off at Scarborough town centre $30per person Please contact wei at 6473391889 Looking forward to hear back from you soon.
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    六月7号,june 07, Friday Toronto <-> Ottawa (六月10号,June 10th回)

    时间如题 周五晚上7点在scarborogh town center电影院门前接人 到ottawa的bayshore center 周一下午三点回 bayshore center接 到toronto的scarborogh town center电影院门前 请联系,Wei, 6473391889 谢谢 :)
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    Carpool offer May 12, Sunday Ottawa to Toronto

    Leaving at 5 pm, picking up at Baseline Station and Bayshore center. dropping off at scarborough town center. Car: comfortable 2011 sonata $30 per person please contact Wei at 6473391889 Thanks. p.s. no food or drink please :)
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    Carpool offer: Toronto to Ottawa, Friday May 10

    Picking up at Scarborough town center at 6 pm Drop off at baseline station or Bayshore center. Cost $30 on way per person p.s. no food or drink please Please contact Wei at 647 339 1889 Thanks :)
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    Carpool offer April 15 Monday: Ottawa to Toronto

    Leaving in the afternoon at 5:30pm, meeting at baseline station or bayshore center. $30 per person please contact 6473391889 for Wei p.s. no food or drink please :)
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    carpool offer: toronto to ottawa

    leaving Friday at 7 pm meeting at Scarborogh town center. dropping off at Baseline Station in ottawa please contact Wei at 6473391889
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    Carpool offer Jan 06: Ottawa to Toronto

    Leaving at 6pm, picking up at baseline station or bayshore center. if interested, please sms me at 6473391889 p.s. no food and drink in the car please. Thanks Wei
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    carpool offer, Dec 25, Toronto to Ottawa

    Leaving at 3 pm, picking up at Scarborough Town Center, drop off at Baseline Station or Bayshore shopping center please message 6473391889 for wei if interested Thanks
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    求顺风车,DEC 16 ottawa to toronto

    一个人, 请联系6473391889
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    Ottawa to Toronto Sun Nov 04

    Ottawa to Toronto leaving from baseline station at 6 pm drop off at Scarborough town center Price: 30 person if interested, please sms 6473391889 Thanks Wei
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    carpool offer Oct 29 Monday, Ottawa to Toronto

    Pick up at baseline station or bayshore at 6 pm drop off at Scarborougeh Town Center $30 per person if interested, please sms 6473391889 Thanks Wei
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    Carpool offer: Sept 18, Tuesday ottawa to Toronto

    Ottawa 到 Toronto 下午6点出发,于baseline station 集合 到多伦多Scarborough Town Center 价钱 30 有意者,请短信到6473391889 谢谢, Wei
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    Carpool Offer: 九月14号 Toronto to Ottawa

    于下午7:00启程,在Scarborogh town center电影院门口集合 到ottawa的baseline station 价钱:$30 如需详情请发短讯到6473391889 p.s. 请吾在车上进食与喝咖啡 Wei 谢谢
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    Toronto to Ottawa Sept 14 Friday

    Leave at 7:00 pm Pick up at Scarborogh Town Center, Theater Drop off at Baseline Station Price: $30 If interested please sms 6473391889 p.s. no food and coffee in the car please Thanks, Wei
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    Ride offer: Toronto to Ottawa Friday, August 17

    I am offering a ride share leaving at Friday August 17 from STC or marhkam, depends what will be more convenience for all of us. Departure time: 9:00 am location: STC or Markham Price: $30 per person Car: 2011 sonata Contact: 6473391889 email: weisu323@gmail.com p.s. no food, or...
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    Carpool offer: Ottawa to Toronto May 20 afternoon

    Leaving at 6 pm from Baseline station Drop off at stc if interested, please sms 6473391889 or email weisu323@gmail.com Wei Thanks
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    Toronto to Ottawa May 17 Thursday

    Leaving from STC at 7:00 pm Dropping off at Baseline Station or Bayshore center Price: 30 per person If interested, please sms 6473391889 or email weisu323@gmail.com Thanks, Wei
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    Carpool offer Ottawa to Toronto APRIL,22

    Carpool offer Ottawa to Toronto April,22 Leaving at 6.30pm Baseline Station Price: $30 per person If interested please SMS 647-339-1889 OR Email weisu323@gmail.com Thanks Wei