
  1. H

    [分享] 歌词,哄孩子的时候胡乱唱的

    星期天, 早晨,天气很好。一边逗宝宝玩儿,一边就瞎哼乱唱一阵, 宝宝还真喜欢…… ------------------------ 把窗户打开, 让阳光照进来, 凉爽的风也吹进来, 天上几朵白云彩。 叶儿摇, 鸟儿叫, 玫瑰带着露水开。 宝宝笑了, 宝宝笑了, 今天多愉快!
  2. H

    [请求] spray facility for insect control

    Where to rent a spray facility that's powerful enough to spray a tree of 20-meter's high? Or anybody knows a service provider? Thank you in advance for your information.
  3. H

    *** *** A Little Bit Everyday *** ***

    1. downhill fast Don't expect to improve your English ~. A little bit everyday. 2. 3 bus-stops away I live ~ from the school. 3. halfway The shopping mall is ~ between the school and where I live. 4. as to - about I will talk with her ~ this. 5. as for - concerning ~ the others, they...