10月5号星期五下午5点,Pick up at STC 电影院旁。 Drop off near downtown, university of ottawa or bayshore.
10月7号星期天(around noon) Pick up at OU, DOWNTOWN or Bayshore. Drop off STC.
(Only two seats)
Sept 9TH ,pick up: university of ottawa,lees station or Bayshore.:)
drop off :Scarborough town center (in front of theater)
Sept 11th , pick up: Scarborough town center (in front of theater)
drop off : university of ottawa or lees station,:)
call at...
First year:
ADM1300 Introduction to business management ()基本全新,没用过。 加期中期末试卷,cases, 有TA给的往年重点期末大题资料,有老外的详细笔记,还有web assignments,每年都用一年的题目------65
ADM1301 Business and society, first canadian edition 有期中期末卷子,笔记, case 和复习资料(内容和新版的书都一样)---------45