
  1. 渥太华-多伦多 24日中午渥太华出发28日从多伦多返回

    Pick up 可以从bay shore shopping center or baseline station. 可在YorkdaleShoppingCenter401北COSTCO drop off 离开时间可在24日中午或稍早,也可在25日上午,回程在28日。 单程$30双程$55。 联系电话613 322 3225
  2. Hiring: Mobile Software Developer (new grad)

    The Opportunity: Entrust is currently looking for a Mobile Software Developer with passion to learn, and the dedication to immediately contribute to the development and innovation of our industry-leading product solutions. This is a fulltime position to be located in our Ottawa, Ontario office...
  3. Hiring C/C++ Software Developer (new grad)‏

    The Opportunity: Entrust is currently looking for a recent graduate C/C++ Software Developer to be located in our Ottawa, Ontario office. Purpose of Job: This role will challenge the successful candidate to design, develop, enhance and maintain Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) software written...
  4. 渥太华-多伦多 12月23号中午出发去多伦多, 30号回

    Update: no more seat. ------- 接人地点:Kanata, or baseline station, 单程30. 详情再议. ---------
  5. 联校龙舟队招募新队员: 诚招年轻健壮的华人朋友

    联校龙舟队招募新队员 春来了,雁归了,联校龙舟队又要启航了! 今年是渥太华龙舟节成立二十周年。二十多年来,由渥太华丽都水上俱乐部、香港商会及华人社区倡议举办的龙舟比赛,日益发展成为深受首都地区各族裔喜爱的体育活动。今年的比赛将于6月20日至23日在Mooney’s Bay。目前已有160支队伍报名,其中不乏来自美国波士顿、弗罗里达和加拿大哈利法克斯、多伦多、蒙特利尔等地的强队。由渥太华地区中国十大高校校友会组织的咸氏联校龙舟队(Shenglin Dragon Warriors),作为唯一一支华人龙舟队,将连续第六年参加龙舟比赛!...
  6. 渥太华龙舟赛杀出黑马----咸氏联校龙舟队力闯前五十名‏

    可喜可贺 再接再励 http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum8/thread1105076.html
  7. Carpool offer: Ottawa -> Toronto Aug 13

    Time: anytime Saturday Pickup: Bayshore shopping center, or call to discuss Drop off: near TTC station Phone 613-270-2597, 613-270-8695
  8. 卖乒乓球桌

    $40. QQH
  9. 出售婴儿手推车,CARSEAT,婴儿床

    大的手推车 EVENFLO $50, 小的 $30, carseat $20, 婴儿床 $50 请QQH联系
  10. Carpool offer: Ottawa <--> Toronto June 30/July 3

    !! Seat full !! Leave Ottawa: June 30, around 5:00pm Pick up: Bayshore center or Kanata Centrum. Drop off: Yorkdale Shopping Center (Allen Road@401) Leave Toronto: July 3, around 3:00pm Drop off: West Ottawa/Kanata Fee: one way $30, round trip: $50. please call 613-270-2597 / 613-322-3225
  11. Carpool offer: Ottawa (Dec 31) <--> Toronto (Jan 3)

    One-way $25, round-trip $40. Pick up west Ottawa, drop off near 401 Yong St. call 613-322-3225 leave your message.
  12. 卖雪胎 - Michelin Arctic Alpine 195/60/R15

    size 195/60/R15, 使用3冬季的美奇林雪胎。 Wheel bolt pattern 5 x114.3 , asking for $400.00
  13. 卖雪胎 - Michelin Arctic Alpine 195/65/R15 带合金轮

    size 195/60/R15, 使用3冬季的美奇林雪胎。 Wheel bolt pattern 5 x114.3 , asking for $400.00
  14. Find a Agency to Fight traffic ticket: need advice

    I got a traffic ticket. I contacted some agencies who provide "fighting the traffic ticket" service. Anyone has experience of those agencies? - Aavid Anber, lawyer - Ottawa Traffictket Consulations - Traffic Ticket Advisory Services Ltd. - Ottx (original called traffic ticket xperts).
  15. Steel Rim for sale

    15 inch multi-fit steel wheels (4), with wheel covers. $50.
  16. 卖电脑桌子, 书架, 衣柜

    电脑桌子 $15 (Canadian Tire sell $70). 书架 (2): $8 each 衣柜: $15.
  17. 卖Queen size床垫

    Queen size mattress set, including metal frame. 无破损,无污斑, Hotel type, can last long long time. $150 firm.