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    刚下了一个condo offer. 验房的时候发现锅炉房天花板有一个封起来的洞。打开后里边有管道。房主说那是dryer 通往户外的通风管道。他没有说清楚开这个洞的原因。我是直接跟房主下的offer。请问大家我该怎么处理。是否应该在见律师之前让户主写下文字的document,并且修好那个洞。
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    多伦多-渥太华 8月3号 carpool offer

    车:Honda CRV 司机:15年G牌 出发:8月3日上午 10:00 am Fairview Mall 地铁站 Drop off: Eagleson parking lot or Bayshore shopping center Fee: $30 Contact: text 613-3156138
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    渥太华-多伦多 Carpool offer 8月1号早8:00a m

    车:Honda CRV 司机:15年G牌 One way $30 Contact: text (daytime) or call (evening) 613-3156138
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    请问有哪些健身活动在Kanata? 想参加。

    请问有哪些健身活动在Kanata? 跳舞,瑜伽,太极,乒乓 我都很感兴趣。谢谢。
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    Carpool offer June 11, Ottawa<->Toronto

    Ottawa --> Toronto, Saturday Morning at 8:00am Pick up at Bayshore 。 Drop off at Fairview Mall. Toronto --> Ottawa, Saturday Afternoon at 5:00pm Pick up at Fairview Mall. Drop off at Bayshore. Cost : $30 one way, $50 for round trip. Car: Honda CRV Please call 613-282-3281(no voice...
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    Carpool offer: Ottawa > Toronto, April 30, Saturday

    April 30, Saturday: leaving Ottawa at 8:00am Pickup and drop locations: Ottawa: Bayshore Toronto: Fairview mall/Scarborough town center Car: Honda CR-V Driver: G class with 10+ experiences Cost: 30 Please call 613-282.3281 for details
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    Carpool offer: Ottawa ->Toronto (Fri. April 22)

    Friday, April 22: leaving Ottawa at 8:30am. Pickup and drop locations: Ottawa: Bayshore Toronto: Fairview mall Car: Honda CRV Driver: G class with 10+ clear driving experience Cost: 30 Please call 613-282.3281 for detail.
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    Carpool offer: Toronto <-> Ottawa (Fri. April 15/Sun. April 17)

    Friday, April 15: leaving Toronto at 5:30pm. Sun, April 17: leaving Ottawa at 5:30pm. Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall Ottawa: Bayshore Car: full size Driver: G class with 10+ clear driving experience Cost: oneway 30, round trip 50 Please call 647-217.3329...
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    Carpool offer: Toronto <-> Ottawa (Sat. April 02/Mon. April 04)

    Saturday, April 02: leaving Toronto in the morning some time. Monday, April 04 : leaving Ottawa at about 2:00pm. Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall Ottawa: Bayshore Cost: oneway 30, round trip 50 Please call 647-217.3329 613-282.3281 for detail.
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    Carpool offer: Toronto <-> Ottawa (Fri. April 01/Mon. April 04)

    Friday, April 01: leaving Toronto from at 5:30pm Monday, April 04 : leaving Ottawa at sometime afternoon Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall Ottawa: Bayshore Cost: oneway 30, round trip 50 Please call 647-217.3329 613-282.3281 for detail.
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    Carpool offer: Toronto-> Ottawa, Mar 19, Saturday

    March 19, Saturday: leaving Toronto about 2:00pm (flexible) Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall/Scarborough town center Ottawa: Bayshore/ Eagleson Car: Honda CR-V Driver: G class with 10+ experience Cost: 30 Please call 647-217.3329 or 613-282.3281 for detail. You can also...
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    Carpool offer: Ottawa <-> Toronto, Mar 13, Sunday/Mar 19, Saturday

    March 13, Sunday: leaving Ottawa at 1:00pm March 19, Saturday: leaving Toronto at 1:00pm Pickup and drop locations: Ottawa: Bayshore/ Eagleson Toronto: Fairview mall/Scarborough town center Car: Honda CR-V Driver: G class with 10+ experience Cost: 30 for one way, 50 for round trip...
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    Carpool offer: Toronto <-> Ottawa (Fri. March 4/Sun. March 6)

    Friday, March 4: leaving Toronto at 5:30pm Sunday, March 6 : leaving Ottawa at 5:00pm Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall/Scarborough town center Ottawa: Bayshore Cost: oneway 30, round trip 50 Please call 647-217.3329 or 613-282.3281 for detail
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    Carpool offer: Ottawa -> Toronto, Monday Feb 07

    Monday, Feb 07 : leaving Ottawa at 10:00am Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall Ottawa: Bayshore Cost: 30 G class with 10+ years drive Please call 647-217.3329 or 613-282.3281 for detail.
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    Carpool offer: Toronto <-> Ottawa (Sat. Feb 05/Mon. Feb07)

    Saturday, Feb 05: leaving Toronto at 11:00am Monday, Feb 07 : leaving Ottawa at 10:00am Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall Ottawa: Bayshore Cost: oneway 30, round trip 50 G class with 10+ years drive Please call 647-217.3329 or 613-282.3281 for detail.
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    Carpool offer: Toronto <-> Ottawa (Fri. Feb 04/Sun. Feb06)

    Friday, Feb 04: leaving Toronto at 5:00pm Sunday, Feb 06 : leaving Ottawa at 5:00pm Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall Ottawa: Bayshore Cost: oneway 30, round trip 50 G class with 10+ years drive Please call 647-217.3329 or 613-282.3281 for detail.
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    Carpool offer: Toronto <-> Ottawa (Fri. Jan14/Sun. Jan16)

    Friday, Jan 14: leaving Toronto at 5:00pm Sunday, Jan 16 : leaving Ottawa at 4:00pm Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall Ottawa: Bayshore Cost: oneway 30, round trip 50 G class with 10+ years drive Please call 647-217.3329 or 613-282.3281 for detail.
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    Carpool offer: Toronto <-> Ottawa (Fri. Jan14/Sun. Jan16)

    Friday, Jan 14: leaving Toronto at 5:00pm Sunday, Jan 16 : leaving Ottawa at 4:00pm Pickup and drop locations: Toronto: Fairview mall Ottawa: Bayshore Cost: oneway 30, round trip 50 G class with 10+ years drive Please call 647-217.3329 or 613-282.3281 for detail.
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    Carpool offer: Toronto=>Ottawa, Friday, July 30

    Toronto>>Ottawa @ 5:30pm, Friday, July 30 Driver: 10+ year driving experience Car: Honda CRV Cost: $25 Toronto: Fairview Mall/ Scarborough;Ottawa: Bayshore Please call 647-217.3329 or email baihuiqing@yahoo.ca for detail.