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    在 Baseline & Greenbank 附近,近Algonquin 88 路公交线,近学校 600/月,包水,电,热,网。 一年合同。 租爱干净,少做饭的学生。 短信:613-276-2183
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    1 GB Samsung DDR2 PC2-5300S 667 MHz for Laptop

    I have a 1 GB Samsung DDR2 PC2-5300S 667 MHz that used to be installed on iMac but upgraded memory. it works perfectly. $10 call:613-8788683
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    我搬家需要两人帮忙,这星期六(Feb 4)。 东西都已经包装好,有小拖车。 Contact:613-627-4604,请留言
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    A room for rent in Casselman town

    A bedroom of two bedroom apt for rent, $200 815 Principale St., Casselman, K0A 1M0 Include: hydro, water, heat, but share internet. About 12m^2, wooden floor; clean and neat; Nice view to the river; Contact: 613-627-4604 From: Feb. 1st, 2012
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    想找有Flex,Flash Builder 开发经验的朋友

    因为目前移动设备的软件开发十分流行,想交些这方面有经验的朋友,共同学习。 我用Flex framework /Flash Builder 开发 Android Device. 希望有经验的朋友们多指教。
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    1525 AltaVista, One Bedroom $450, 1月1日入住

    1525 AltaVista, One Bedroom $450 包水,电。Internet Shared。 大约15平方米 出租的是房间, 只住两人. 有简单家私, 单人床, 桌子, 椅子. 近Ottawa University, 15分钟 Bus 8, 88, 86 近Hurdman Station,Walmart. Connect:613-627-4604 请留电话 1月1日入住。
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    单人床垫. $20 613-627-4604
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    Sell Bike

    Contact: 613-562-5800ext6537 1. New one: $65. 2. Old one: $35.
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    Toronto-> Ottawa July 15

    Toronto: Scarbourgh Town Center Ottawa: Bayshore Shopping Center July 15, Fri. 12pm midday. Pick up Contact: 613-878-8683 Price: 20/seat
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    男士自行车 $60 Contact: 613-627-4604
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    卖变速自行车$25 加锁$30 1525 Alta Vista Dr. Contact:613-627-4604 after 5pm
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    渥太华华人交谊舞会— 每周五晚 8-11pm 地点:Walter Backer Sports Centre , Hall A + B http://www.ottawa.ca/residents/parks_recreation/facilities/rec_centres/wb/index_en.html 入场费: $ 5/ 每人
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    谁有做电路试验的面包板? pls qqh
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    A bedroom of 1525 Alta Vista DR.

    One bedroom about 12M^2 1525 Alta Vista Dr. in One bedroom and One living room include: water, heat, hydro and internet. near Ottawa University, Hurdman Station, Walmart, Dollarama $425 move in Nov. call: 613-562-5800ext 6537 or 613-878-8683
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    Who has cheap telephone, I need one.
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    单人房出租 380

    2648 Conn St 交通方便,周围可以做97, 87路到OU 包水, 其他与他人share. 内部装修漂亮,木地板,干净卫生。 380/月 单人房 15m^2 contact: 613-878-8683
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    OU Parking lot rent $80/month

    我有一Parking位在OU附近,租金80/月 contact:613-878-8683
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    1999 Chrysler Intrepid $3000

    Chrysler Intrepid 99 15万公里。v6 动力足 自动档,电动门窗,电动镜 空调,自动巡航。 车体宽大,保养好 $3000 看车联系:613-878-8683
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    May 1st (Sat.)From Ottawa->Toronto, May 2nd Toronto->Ottawa

    May 1st (Sat.) From Ottawa->Toronto $25 Bayshore 2pm May 2nd(Sun) From Toronto->Ottawa $25 Scarbourgh down center 2pm call 613-878-8683 or 613-686-1322 Ritch