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    CEG3131, ELG3101 & ELG3311 Textbooks for sale

    Software And Hardware Engineering: Motorola M68HC12, Cady, Oxford University Press, $40 Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (photocopy), F. T. Ulaby, Pearson Education Canada, 5th Edition, $20 Electric Machinery Fundamentals (photocopy), S. J. Chapman, McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, $20...
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    ELG3101 & ELG3311 Textbooks(photocopy) for sale

    Fundamentals of Applied Electromagnetics (photocopy), F. T. Ulaby, Pearson Education Canada, $20 Electric Machinery Fundamentals (photocopy), S. J. Chapman, McGraw-Hill, 4th Edition, $20 Call 613-355-3065
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    looking for ECO1102 Study Guide 3rd ed.

    Hi I am looking for ECO1102 Macroeconomics 3rd Canadian Edition Study Guide only. Please contact me. My phone# is 613-851-9712. Thanks for your kindness and help. Regards
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    ECO 1102 Hi I want to buy ECO1102 Study Guide. Would you please sell it. Please call me at 613-851-9712. My name is Ryan. Thanks and regards Raihan
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    Anyone back to Jilin or Changchun these days?

    Anyone back to Jilin or Changchun during the week of Feb 24 to Mar 2? Want you to bring a letter back to China, offer $40, call (613)784-4702(weekdays) or (613)355-3065(evenings or weekends) please, thanks!
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    Anyone back to Jilin or Changchun these days?

    Anyone back to Jilin or Changchun during the week of Jan 29 to Feb 4? Want you to bring a letter for me, offer $40, call (613)784-4702(weekdays) or (613)355-3065(nights or weekends) please, thanks!
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    ECO 1104 textbook for sale

    Principles of Micro Economics, Third Canadian Edition, Mankiw, with study guide, $20, call 613-355-3065
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    ECO 1104 textbook for sale

    Principles of Micro Economics, Third Canadian Edition, Mankiw, with study guide, $30, call 613-355-3065
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    CEG2131 Textbook for sale

    Ok just call me
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    CEG2131 Textbook for sale

    Murdocca, Principle of Computer Architecture, $80 Call 613-355-3065
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    ECO1102 Textbook for sale

    Principles of Macroeconomics, Third Canadian Edition + Study Guide, $50, Call 355-3065
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    Cannot watch TV on pplive.com

    I am using Bell LAN driver, but cannot watch TV on pplive.com, no buffer data, ask for help!
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    How to access CFC in China?

    Anyone knows?
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    Anyone check VIN: KMHDM45D81U179760 for me please!

    Xie Xie!!!
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    HIS2129 Textbook for sale

    MAJOR PROBLEMS IN HISTORY OF AMERICAN TECHNOLOGY, Author: SMITH + Class reader, $30, call: 355-3065
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    CSI2165 textbook for sale

    Prolog for Artificial Intelligence, Ivan Bratko, 3rd edition, $40 Call: 355-3065
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    CSI2165 textbook for sale

    Prolog for Artificial Intelligence, Ivan Bratko, 3rd edition, $40 Call: 355-3065
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    ENG1112 Textbook for sale

    Pocket Guide to Technical Writing Canadian Ed. $15 W. S. Pfeiffer, J. boogerd Prentice Hall Call 355-3065
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    ENG1112 Textbooks for sale

    Power Tools for Technical Communication $30 D. A. McMurrey Thomson Wadsworth Pocket Guide to Technical Writing Canadian Ed. $20 W. S. Pfeiffer, J. boogerd Prentice Hall Call 355-3065
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    ECO1192 & ENG1112 Textbooks

    Engineering Economics in Canada 2nd Ed. $30 N. M. Fraser, I. Bernhardt Prentice Hall Power Tools for Technical Communication $30 D. A. McMurrey Thomson Wadsworth Pocket Guide to Technical Writing Canadian Ed. $20 W. S. Pfeiffer, J. boogerd Prentice Hall Call 355-3065