
  1. 3

    多伦多-渥太华 Offer: (May 29) Toronto <-----> Ottawa (May 31)

    I have 14 years of Canadian driving experience. Toronto -----> Ottawa May 29 (2 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: May 29, ~ 8:30 AM Scarborough Town Centre or anywhere close to 401 (East of Toronto) Drop Off: Drop you off anywhere close to 417, downtown, east end...
  2. 3

    渥太华-多伦多 Offer: (Friday May 2nd) Ottawa ----> Mississauga

    Ottawa -----> Mississauga May 2nd (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: May 2, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank/West End Drop Off: I will drop you off at Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall, Square one, or anywhere along the 401 up to Mississauga. Cost/Contact $30...
  3. 3

    渥太华-多伦多 ***Friday May 2nd Ottawa -------> Toronto***

    Ottawa -----> Toronto May 2nd (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: May 2, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank/West End Drop Off: I will drop you off at Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall, Square one, or anywhere along the 401 up to Mississauga. Cost/Contact $30 One...
  4. 3

    渥太华-多伦多 Offer: (Fri April 25) Ottawa <-----> Toronto (Sun April 27)

    I have 12 years of Canadian driving experience. Ottawa -----> Toronto April 25 (1 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: April 25th, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank/West End Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall...
  5. 3

    渥太华-多伦多 Offer: (April 16) Ottawa <-----> Toronto (April 20)

    I have 12 years of Canadian driving experience. Ottawa -----> Toronto April 16 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: April 16th, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank/West End Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall...
  6. 3

    Offer: (April 16) Ottawa <-----> Toronto (April 20)

    I have 12 years of Canadian driving experience. Ottawa -----> Toronto April 16 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: April 16th, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank/West End Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall...
  7. 3

    渥太华-多伦多 Ottawa (April 11) <---> Toronto (April 13)

    I have 12 years of Canadian driving experience. Ottawa -----> Toronto April 11 (2 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: April 11th, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank/West End Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall...
  8. 3

    渥太华-多伦多 Ottawa (April 4) <---> Toronto (April 6)

    I have 12 years of Canadian driving experience. I will get you to your destination at a good time. Ottawa -----> Toronto April 4 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: April 4th, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or...
  9. 3

    渥太华-多伦多 Ottawa (March 28) <---> Toronto (March 30)

    I have 12 years of Canadian driving experience. I will get you to your destination at a good time. Ottawa -----> Toronto March 28 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: March 28, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or...
  10. 3

    Ottawa (March 28) <----> Toronto (March 30)

    I have 12 years of Canadian driving experience. I will get you to your destination at a good time. Ottawa -----> Toronto March 28 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: March 28, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or...
  11. 3

    (March 21) Ottawa --> Toronto| (March 23) Toronto --> Ottawa

    Ottawa -----> Toronto March 21 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: March 21, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall Toronto -----> Ottawa March 23 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4...
  12. 3

    Ottawa (March 21) <-----> Toronto (March 23)

    Ottawa -----> Toronto March 21 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: March 21, ~ 3:30 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall Toronto -----> Ottawa March 23 (3 spots avail) Duration: Only 4...
  13. 3

    March 13 Ottawa <-----> Toronto March 16

    Ottawa -----> Toronto March 13 (4 spots avail) Duration: 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: March 13, ~ 3:30 - 4:00 pm Bayshore Mall TD Bank Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall Toronto -----> Ottawa March 16 (4 spots avail) Duration: 4...
  14. 3

    March 7 Ottawa <-------> Toronto March 9

    Ottawa -----> Toronto March 7 (4 spots avail) Duration: 4 hours (1 stop included) Pick Up: March 7, ~ 3:15 - 3:30 PM Bayshore Mall TD Bank. Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre, Farview Mall Toronto -----> Ottawa March 9 (4 spots avail) Duration: 4...
  15. 3

    Feb 28 Ottawa <--------> Toronto March 2

    Ottawa -----> Toronto Feb 28 (1 spots avail) Pick Up: Feb 28, ~ 3:15 - 3:30 PM Bayshore Mall TD Bank. Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre Toronto -----> Ottawa March 2 (2 spots avail) Pick up: March 2 5:00 - 5:30 PM downtown Toronto, Fairview Mall, or...
  16. 3

    Ottawa (Feb 21) <----> Toronto (Feb 23rd)

    Ottawa -----> Toronto Feb 21 (3 spots avail.) Pick Up: Feb 21, ~ 3:15 - 3:30 PM Bayshore Mall TD Bank. Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre Toronto -----> Ottawa Feb 23 (3 spots avail) Pick up: Feb 23 5:00 - 5:30 PM downtown Toronto, Fairview Mall, or...
  17. 3

    Ottawa <---> Toronto Feb 14 and 17th

    Ottawa -----> Toronto Feb 14 (3 spots avail.) Pick Up: Feb 14, ~ 3:15 PM Bayshore Mall TD Bank. Drop Off: I will drop you off in downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town Centre Toronto -----> Ottawa Feb 17 (3 spots avail) Pick up: Feb 17 4:30 - 5:00 PM downtown Toronto or Scarborough Town...
  18. 3

    Ottawa <----> Toronto/Mississauga May 17/20

    Ottawa -----> Toronto/Mississauga May 17th (1 spot left) Pick Up: May 17th, ~ 3:45 PM Bayshore mall TD Bank. Drop Off: I will drop you off in Toronto or Mississauga to a location of your choice, if it is close to the 401 Toronto/Mississauga -------> Ottawa (May 20th) (1 spot left) Pick up...
  19. 3

    Ottawa <-----> Toronto/Mississauga (July 27and 30)

    Ottawa -----> Toronto/Mississauga July 27th Pick Up: July 27, ~ 4:30 PM Bayshore mall TD Bank. Drop Off: I will drop you off in Toronto or Mississauga to a location of your choice, if it is close to the 401 Toronto/Mississauga -------> Ottawa July 30th Pick up: July 30th 12 PM...
  20. 3

    Ottawa<---->Toronto/Mississauga May 31 and June 3

    Ottawa -----> Toronto/Mississauga May 31st Pick Up: May 31, ~ 4:30 PM Bayshore mall TD Bank. Drop Off: I will drop you off in Toronto or Mississauga to a location of your choice, if it is close to the 401 Toronto/Mississauga -------> Ottawa June 3rd Pick up: June 3rd 3 PM anywhere...