Car Leasing



小弟最近想Lease一辆车。最好是租4年,每个月费用在$500或以下。各位有没有什么性价比较高的车推荐?这样小弟也可以有的放矢的去dealer看车。 日本,美国,德国的都可以。其实本人比较喜欢AUDI, 但是知道每月$500的预算肯定不够。

康新斌 Kanata Honda 613-854-5398

小弟最近想Lease一辆车。最好是租4年,每个月费用在$500或以下。各位有没有什么性价比较高的车推荐?这样小弟也可以有的放矢的去dealer看车。 日本,美国,德国的都可以。其实本人比较喜欢AUDI, 但是知道每月$500的预算肯定不够。


刚看到你的帖子,奥迪的价格并不是那么不亲民,但取决于你要的车型。给你个样板参考,2012 A3 Quattro S line progressive edition, 电动真皮电加热座椅,双区恒温空调,双天窗,感应式雨刷及Led 行车灯,全时四驱,6速双离合变速箱假换档波片。。。。。。0首付,4年lease, $515 税前,582 税后。

不同牌子的车lease rate不一样,有时候3年比4年低。。可能差个1%或更高。有些车行你放security deposit 利息就可以下来,lease 完deposit 会回来,和down payment 不一样。当然,如果0down 想500 左右的话。。日本车可能更多的适合您。多问问把
2012 CRV LX AWD , 2012 Accord EX Coupe 都在范围内。

小弟最近想Lease一辆车。最好是租4年,每个月费用在$500或以下。各位有没有什么性价比较高的车推荐?这样小弟也可以有的放矢的去dealer看车。 日本,美国,德国的都可以。其实本人比较喜欢AUDI, 但是知道每月$500的预算肯定不够。

Why leasing not financing?
It seems that you are not VISA student, and probably is working, you shouldn't have problem in leasing or financing a car.
Do you have any idea how much you have to spend to maintain a (性价比较高的车) car (e.g. Audi), like oil change (some need SPECIAL engine oil, and synthetic which is more costly, can close to 100 CAD), use Premium Gas (Audi has to use premium, and now is 15 cents more expensive than Octane number 87 gas), cost of changing brake (in four years, you need to change brake at least one time, and cost of AUDI is....). And car (mandatory) maintenance cost at DEALER for 24000 km, 48000 km, 72000 km and 96000 km. I hope LZ should ask car sales representative all the cost of car maintenance.
Please note that I am not a car sales person.

Good luck.
It seems you know some and only some, your post can be a great reference to support Lz leasing a car than buying a car.

And the concern you have on an Audi is not typically for Audi only ( just point out because I am an Audi Sales:D) it applies to pretty much all the premium brand.

Leasing is a good option but may not work on LZ, that is depends on the case.

Just my 2 cents.

Why leasing not financing?

It seems that you are not VISA student, and probably is working, you shouldn't have problem in leasing or financing a car.

Do you have any idea how much you have to spend to maintain a (性价比较高的车) car (e.g. Audi), like oil change (some need SPECIAL engine oil, and synthetic which is more costly, can close 100 CAD), use Premium Gas (Audi has to use premium, and now is 15 cents more expensive than Octane number 87 gas), cost of changing brake (in four years, you need to change brake at least one time, and cost of AUDI is....). And car (mandatory) maintenance cost at DEALER for 24000 km, 48000 km, 72000 km and 96000 km. I hope LZ should ask car sales representative all the cost of car maintenance.

Please note that I am not a car sales person.

Good luck.
我也想lease个audi q5。但在网上做个了估算后,total : 45300. 2012 Q5 2.0 tfsi quattro. 每个月要付919。利率4。9% 。
这样算下来。3年一共付了33084,车总价+tax=52095 (15%tax),中间只差了。19011。
到autotrader上面查一下,audi q5 2008年,在60000公里的车,至少买到35000。

这样算下来,lease Q5 就是很不划算了,是不是?

我也想lease个audi q5。但在网上做个了估算后,total : 45300. 2012 Q5 2.0 tfsi quattro. 每个月要付919。利率4。9% 。

这样算下来。3年一共付了33084,车总价+tax=52095 (15%tax),中间只差了。19011。

到autotrader上面查一下,audi q5 2008年,在60000公里的车,至少买到35000。

这样算下来,lease Q5 就是很不划算了,是不是?


lease 不是这么算得。首先,你要考虑lease是否适合你,如果你三四年后还是要买下来那就直接买,然后十分因为工作的关系可以抵税。。。码字太累,你给我个电话吧,613-723-1221 David Li
It seems you know some and only some, your post can be a great reference to support Lz leasing a car than buying a car.

And the concern you have on an Audi is not typically for Audi only ( just point out because I am an Audi Sales:D) it applies to pretty much all the premium brand.

Leasing is a good option but may not work on LZ, that is depends on the case.

Just my 2 cents.

My point is LZ should tell us how much he is willing to spend on lease and on maintenance of that car. 500?? I doubt that is good enough.
Leasing is relatively cheaper than financing is because of the fact that leasing is paying the difference between total amount (when financing) less buy back value after leasing period (say 4 years), and usually buy back value is usually closely related to the value found in BLACK book (Government use that to charge GST when a car was sold between two persons, not through used car companies).
Good thing about leasing is the amount paid per month is less than financing, trouble free (usually problems start to come out when a car is six or seven years old), and have a brand new car every four years.
Resale value of Audi is high (and most Japanese cars, except Suzuki), hence it is better to lease a car with high resale value after 4 years.

My 2 cents also.
lease 不是这么算得。首先,你要考虑lease是否适合你,如果你三四年后还是要买下来那就直接买,然后十分因为工作的关系可以抵税。。。码字太累,你给我个电话吧,613-723-1221 David Li


小弟最近想Lease一辆车。最好是租4年,每个月费用在$500或以下。各位有没有什么性价比较高的车推荐?这样小弟也可以有的放矢的去dealer看车。 日本,美国,德国的都可以。其实本人比较喜欢AUDI, 但是知道每月$500的预算肯定不够。


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Note that the author is also an auto writer.