房子门口就是University Of Quebec, close to 49, 37 路车站 , 要到CU、 OU、市中心和唐人街等地都很方便,房子非常干净,离 Maxi、 Zellers, Canadian Tire, Sears不远,购物方便, 绝对好房(2Floor)! 寻找一人 入住, 女生优先!房价:$230 包Hot water,水.
卧室有大衣橱 ,居室干净明亮.采光好, 大而宽敞,硬木地板, 厨房设施齐备,
The room, May 22, available.
Living in Hull, you can get Bursary and Loan($1000/month), meanwhile you can apply for Frech courses (Cofi)and get money($485/month) from Quebec Government.
发信到cither8008@yahoo.com 联系
卧室有大衣橱 ,居室干净明亮.采光好, 大而宽敞,硬木地板, 厨房设施齐备,
The room, May 22, available.
Living in Hull, you can get Bursary and Loan($1000/month), meanwhile you can apply for Frech courses (Cofi)and get money($485/month) from Quebec Government.
发信到cither8008@yahoo.com 联系