因故延期的第七届“加华杯”乒乓球单打比赛,将於2012年9月16日(星期日)在加拿大乒乓球国家队集训中心(18 Louisa Street, K1R 6Y6)举行。此次比赛由中国校友会和“耿丽娟乒乓球学院”联合举办。我们诚邀广大乒乓球运动爱好者踊跃报名参赛,并欢迎各界朋友支持赞助,前来观战助兴。
“加华杯”乒乓球单打比赛,自中国校友会(原称“大专校友会”)成立之初, 于1999年5月创办以来,两年一届,已连续成功举办了6届,蔚已成为渥太华,特别是华人社区,广大乒乓球爱好者切磋球艺[FONT=宋体],增进友情的传统活动,备受欢迎。该项目为丰富社区文化生活,提倡健康、有益的文体活动作出了贡献。今年的比赛,正值伦敦奥运会顺利结束,并将得到加拿大乒协的支持和指导,“张裕荣律师事务所”的慷慨赞助。我们还计划邀请加拿大乒乓奥运选手,或耿丽娟夫妇现场表演,相信会吸引更多的乒乓球爱好者参赛,将成为又一次社区体育盛宴。
按上届惯例,本次比赛分A,B两组,两阶段进行,并为乒协会员提供积分计算。A组:适于类似加拿大乒协积分1000 以上,有良好的基础和比赛经验的选手;B组则包括暂无积分或积分在1000以下的乒乓球爱好者。
希望所有欲参赛者,於9月9日前,在各报名点(如各乒乓球俱乐部),或通过电邮:ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com, 或电话向下列人士报名。通过电邮报名时,请留下姓名(中、英文),性别,电话,email 地址和欲参赛的组别 (A 或B组)。有意积分者,请留下乒协会员的相关信息,如会员号,积分等
报名费将用於比赛场地、设备的租用,购买比赛用球和奖品,每人10元(要积分者,15元, 乒协会员费自理)。
李世友(613-247-1095),周树邦(613-837-5452 ,王永智(613-440-0618) ,肖庆涵 (613-271-9590) , 汤海鹏(613-841-3174),李连国 (613-864-3068),郑三元 (819-281-7007),耿丽娟 (613-282-7918)
7th “Ottawa Chinese Cup” Table Tennis Tournament
16 September 2012, Sunday,
Canada Table Tennis National Team Training Center
18 Louisa Street, K1R 6Y6
Registration fee: $10.00 ($15 if requiring rating)
On-line Registration: ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com
You are cordially invited to participate the 7th “Ottawa Chinese Cup” Table Tennis Tournament, co-organized by the Ottawa Association of Chinese-Canadian University Alumni and “Geng’s Table Tennis Academy”.
The tournament consists of single competitions in two divisions: Division A for players who has a rating (or equivalent) of 1000 or higher and Division B for those whose rating (or equivalent) is below 1000.
The competition has two stages: group round robin and single elimination. The Organizing Committee decides the placement of seed players based on players’ past performances. The non-seed players are grouped with draws. The winners of the both Divisions will be awarded with Trophies and for the one in Division A will have the name being engraved on the permanent Trophy of the Cup. Medals will be presented to the runner-up, the third places for both divisions.
All interested should register by email ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com or contact Ms Li-Juan Geng (613-282-7918), with the name, telephone number, e-mail address and division you wish to compete by September 9, 2012.
The Organizing Committee
因故延期的第七届“加华杯”乒乓球单打比赛,将於2012年9月16日(星期日)在加拿大乒乓球国家队集训中心(18 Louisa Street, K1R 6Y6)举行。此次比赛由中国校友会和“耿丽娟乒乓球学院”联合举办。我们诚邀广大乒乓球运动爱好者踊跃报名参赛,并欢迎各界朋友支持赞助,前来观战助兴。
“加华杯”乒乓球单打比赛,自中国校友会(原称“大专校友会”)成立之初, 于1999年5月创办以来,两年一届,已连续成功举办了6届,蔚已成为渥太华,特别是华人社区,广大乒乓球爱好者切磋球艺[FONT=宋体],增进友情的传统活动,备受欢迎。该项目为丰富社区文化生活,提倡健康、有益的文体活动作出了贡献。今年的比赛,正值伦敦奥运会顺利结束,并将得到加拿大乒协的支持和指导,“张裕荣律师事务所”的慷慨赞助。我们还计划邀请加拿大乒乓奥运选手,或耿丽娟夫妇现场表演,相信会吸引更多的乒乓球爱好者参赛,将成为又一次社区体育盛宴。
按上届惯例,本次比赛分A,B两组,两阶段进行,并为乒协会员提供积分计算。A组:适于类似加拿大乒协积分1000 以上,有良好的基础和比赛经验的选手;B组则包括暂无积分或积分在1000以下的乒乓球爱好者。
希望所有欲参赛者,於9月9日前,在各报名点(如各乒乓球俱乐部),或通过电邮:ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com, 或电话向下列人士报名。通过电邮报名时,请留下姓名(中、英文),性别,电话,email 地址和欲参赛的组别 (A 或B组)。有意积分者,请留下乒协会员的相关信息,如会员号,积分等
报名费将用於比赛场地、设备的租用,购买比赛用球和奖品,每人10元(要积分者,15元, 乒协会员费自理)。
李世友(613-247-1095),周树邦(613-837-5452 ,王永智(613-440-0618) ,肖庆涵 (613-271-9590) , 汤海鹏(613-841-3174),李连国 (613-864-3068),郑三元 (819-281-7007),耿丽娟 (613-282-7918)
7th “Ottawa Chinese Cup” Table Tennis Tournament
16 September 2012, Sunday,
Canada Table Tennis National Team Training Center
18 Louisa Street, K1R 6Y6
Registration fee: $10.00 ($15 if requiring rating)
On-line Registration: ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com
You are cordially invited to participate the 7th “Ottawa Chinese Cup” Table Tennis Tournament, co-organized by the Ottawa Association of Chinese-Canadian University Alumni and “Geng’s Table Tennis Academy”.
The tournament consists of single competitions in two divisions: Division A for players who has a rating (or equivalent) of 1000 or higher and Division B for those whose rating (or equivalent) is below 1000.
The competition has two stages: group round robin and single elimination. The Organizing Committee decides the placement of seed players based on players’ past performances. The non-seed players are grouped with draws. The winners of the both Divisions will be awarded with Trophies and for the one in Division A will have the name being engraved on the permanent Trophy of the Cup. Medals will be presented to the runner-up, the third places for both divisions.
All interested should register by email ottawa.chinese.cup@gmail.com or contact Ms Li-Juan Geng (613-282-7918), with the name, telephone number, e-mail address and division you wish to compete by September 9, 2012.
The Organizing Committee