渥太華太極拳學會消息 (2012年八月)


渥太華太極拳學會消息 (2012年八月)


• 楊氏傳統85式太極拳 - 蔡蔚樑 老師主持
• 吳氏37式太極拳 - 王 剛 老師主持
• 陈氏56式竞赛套路 - 張紅旭 老師主持
• 陈氏混元太極24式 - 譚華沾 老師主持


九月八日及十五日(上午九時半至十一時半)兩天,本會將在渥太華中文學校 (300 Rochester Street)餐廳 舉辦開放參觀日。屆時老師和會員們將會表演和介紹各派太極拳(陳,楊,吳,24, 氣功和扇等),歡迎所有對太極愛好的朋友參觀,透過示範和表演,大家都可以在短時間內同一地方欣賞中國武術精粹,有興趣的話便可以註冊為新會員(年費30元) 或太極班新學生(學費80元, 會員優待為65元) 。九月卄二日上午邀請到張何麗女士主持”太极气功與健康 (养生,保健)” 講座, 同時介紹太極氣功正確和簡易学習的動作 (按: 太極氣功練習是每年最受歡迎的項目), 會員免費, 非會員十元 。

徇眾要求下,去年由張紅旭老師主持的太極劍24式班十分成功, 所以繼續在Dojang(261 Centrepointe Drive) 開課,九月卄二日下午在Dojang註册和公開參觀, 介紹太極劍套路和心法。從九月29星期六開始,下午三時至五時上課,歡迎新學生在中文學校或上網註冊(14堂, 學費210元, 會員減免15元 )。

有關本會最新消息和各太極拳班的詳情,請電黃自健會長(613-820-0048),或本會網頁http://Ottawa-taichi.ca 查詢。
陳式 混元太極拳, 氣功, 与 實用拳法 入門

陳式 混元太極拳, 氣功, 与 實用拳法 入門

導師: James Tam (譚華沾)
助理教練: Elim Chan
日期: 2012年九月二十九日—十二月十五日, 每週星期六,上午九時半至十一時半
地點: 渥太華中文學校(300 Rochester St.) Lower Gym
費用:渥太華太極拳會員六十五元, 非會員八十元 (會員費三十元)

Introduction to Chen-style Hunyuan Taijiquan, Qigong and the Practical Method

Instructor: James Tam
Assistant Instructor: Elim Chan
Time: Sep. 29 – Dec. 15, 2012, each Saturday (9:30a.m-11:30 a.m.)
Place: Ottawa Chinese Language School (300 Rochester St.) Lower Gym
Fee: $65 for OTCA members and $80 for non-members (Membership $30 for two semesters and a summer)

The Hunyuan 24-form taolu as well as the Hunyuan qigong (混元氣功) exercises for both martial power and health will be taught. Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the Hunyuan System (混元太極) of Grandmaster Feng Zhiqiang, as espoused by Master Chen Zhonghua (陳中華大師), e.g., Yin-yang (open/close), basic standing pole and wuji stances/meditation. More information on the Hunyuan system can be found at: http://www.hunyuantaiji.com.cn/cnsim/dashifengcai/index.asp

Students will be introduced to the fundamentals of the Practical Method (實用拳法) of Grandmaster Hong Junsheng, as espoused by Master Chen Zhonghua, e.g., positive and negative circles, structure, orbital and axial rotations, peng, kua vs. waist, double-heavy, stickiness, ji/pressing energy, 45 degree angle, sinking, and suspending the head. As time permits, drills and exercises will be presented. More information on the Practical Method can be found at: http://practicalmethod.com/lang/en/

In general, for those who are interested in health, the Hunyuan qigong (混元氣功) exercises will be of great benefit. For those who are also interested in the martial aspects of taijiquan, knowledge of the Hunyuan 24-form and the fundamentals of the Practical Method will be useful.
Open House

Open House
Sept 8 & 15, 2012
AHS Cafeteria

9:30 a.m. Hunyuan Tai Chi 24 steps
- James Tam

9:40 Qigong - Pat (8th)/Vinh (15th)

10:15 Yang style 85 steps
– Anthony Choi

10:30 Wu style – Gang Wang

10:45 Chen Style – Hongxu Zhang

11:00 Fan - members

Ongoing Registration
for classes and membership
OTCA executives will be on hand to answer any questions.
The Benefits of Tai Chi-QiGong to Your Health

The Benefits of Tai Chi-QiGong to Your Health
太极气功與健康 (养生,保健)

Presented by

Holly Heng

Date: Saturday, September 22, 2012
Time: 9:30 – 11:30 am
(Bottled water provided for participants)

Place: Adult High School – Lower Gym
300 Rochester St.
Ottawa, ON

Deadline to register: September 14, 2012. OTCA members can register at Open House or by e-mail to patlam5667@yahoo.ca.

***************Fill in the form and return with fee *************

OTCA Member - FREE
Non-members – workshop fee $10.00

Name ________________________ Phone __________________

E-mail _______________________

Workshop fee enclosed $_________

Return completed form and fee to: Pat Lam, OTCA – PDC Coordinator
5667 Old Richmond Rd., Nepean, ON K2R 1G4