P PeaceLand 新手上路 注册 2012-01-17 消息 26 荣誉分数 21 声望点数 13 2013-02-03 #1 炫耀一下, 我的君子兰开花了. 很漂亮,是不是. 我种的花卉;从来就没有开花的. 当时买它,还以为养不活它. I don't know if I should change the pot or not. I have never gave any plant food to it since I got it 2 years ago, except water. It is third time I have the flowers.
炫耀一下, 我的君子兰开花了. 很漂亮,是不是. 我种的花卉;从来就没有开花的. 当时买它,还以为养不活它. I don't know if I should change the pot or not. I have never gave any plant food to it since I got it 2 years ago, except water. It is third time I have the flowers.
X xingzhe 新手上路 注册 2010-11-06 消息 27 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 0 2013-02-05 #4 ccc 说: 很好啊! 加点肥会更好。 点击展开... 请教村长,加什么肥,什么时候加? 多谢了,先。
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,568 荣誉分数 37,535 声望点数 1,393 2013-02-06 #5 看看关于养君子兰的讨论。 http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum19/thread556185.html http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum43/thread675981.html
看看关于养君子兰的讨论。 http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum19/thread556185.html http://bbs.comefromchina.com/forum43/thread675981.html