C councilor 初级会员 VIP 注册 2009-10-04 消息 6,440 荣誉分数 141 声望点数 73 2013-03-21 #1 如果补一块dry wall之后,dry wall上直接上primer,然后粉刷?dry wall和 primer 之间,不需要什么吗? 以前刷过多次墙,但都是在原来的粉刷的基础上刷,从来没有直接在dry wall上干过。 记得有人说,在 dry wall 上要先用compound搞两层,还要用沙纸打平,然后再上primer Thanks
如果补一块dry wall之后,dry wall上直接上primer,然后粉刷?dry wall和 primer 之间,不需要什么吗? 以前刷过多次墙,但都是在原来的粉刷的基础上刷,从来没有直接在dry wall上干过。 记得有人说,在 dry wall 上要先用compound搞两层,还要用沙纸打平,然后再上primer Thanks
T Timothy's Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-30 消息 2,251 荣誉分数 50 声望点数 178 2013-03-21 #2 There enough YouTube video show you how to do that. Usually 1. Fix the drywall 2. Use dry wall compound to cover the gap. Use dry wall tape if the area is bigger than 10x10cm 3. Sand 4. Prime and paint. But there some new paint do not need prime.
There enough YouTube video show you how to do that. Usually 1. Fix the drywall 2. Use dry wall compound to cover the gap. Use dry wall tape if the area is bigger than 10x10cm 3. Sand 4. Prime and paint. But there some new paint do not need prime.