L lyuyue 新手上路 注册 2006-05-12 消息 70 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 16 2013-04-18 #1 2年半Minto的房子地基出现了2mm裂缝。Minto说超过2年不在他们保修范围,Tarion说要超过6mm才能找他们。郁闷。 请问如何DIY修这裂缝.
T Timothy's Moderator 管理成员 VIP 注册 2004-07-30 消息 2,251 荣誉分数 50 声望点数 178 2013-04-18 #2 再等几年房子还在沉降 渗水不需处理
F fortget_it 资深人士 注册 2002-03-22 消息 935 荣誉分数 123 声望点数 203 2013-04-19 #4 It's normal if there is no leak.
P puffy ottawa 知名会员 VIP 注册 2009-10-27 消息 2,491 荣誉分数 108 声望点数 123 2013-04-19 #5 再补充一点,是纵向的,不渗水,没事。有大雨注意观察是不是有水。如果是横向的,那就是不好的,一定联系builder。
L lyuyue 新手上路 注册 2006-05-12 消息 70 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 16 2013-04-23 #7 这些材料在哪买及如何修补呀,因BASEMENT墙里有铺棉还看不到漏不漏水,不知怎么办,请高手帮帮忙,非常感谢!
小地主 Climb The Mountain VIP 注册 2003-01-07 消息 9,605 荣誉分数 3,463 声望点数 373 2013-04-23 #10 lyuyue 说: 2年半Minto的房子地基出现了2mm裂缝。Minto说超过2年不在他们保修范围,Tarion说要超过6mm才能找他们。郁闷。 请问如何DIY修这裂缝. 点击展开... Your 2mm裂缝 would be classified as hairline cracks in parging...cosmetic defect... If you are still in the development site, you can find a bricker and pay him 20 bucks to fix it. The advantage is the color matches... If you want to DIY, homedepot has ready-to-use cement (~$10), you can parge it yourself...but the color is off ..
lyuyue 说: 2年半Minto的房子地基出现了2mm裂缝。Minto说超过2年不在他们保修范围,Tarion说要超过6mm才能找他们。郁闷。 请问如何DIY修这裂缝. 点击展开... Your 2mm裂缝 would be classified as hairline cracks in parging...cosmetic defect... If you are still in the development site, you can find a bricker and pay him 20 bucks to fix it. The advantage is the color matches... If you want to DIY, homedepot has ready-to-use cement (~$10), you can parge it yourself...but the color is off ..