史蒂芬·哈珀跟人民日报干上了, 到底谁的错

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Stephen Harper’s northern tour ends with tussle between staff and a reporter

Prime Minister Stephen Harper concluded his six day tour of the north on Friday, with a press conference at the Raglan Mine in Quebec that didn't go as planned.
According to reports, an accredited press gallery journalist got into a shoving match with a PMO staffer, after he was told that he couldn't ask the prime minister a question.
Here's how it all went down, as explained by The Canadian Press:
Li Xue Jiang of the People's Daily, China's largest newspaper, has been following the week-long tour.
The Prime Minister's Office limits the number of questions during public events and other journalists on the tour offered Li the opportunity to query Harper.
When staff did not recognize him, Li tried to take the microphone, triggering a tussle that ended with him being hauled to the back of the room by RCMP security staff.​
Andrew MacDougall, the prime minister's Director of Communications, took to Twitter to ask for an apology.

Arctic tour: Chinese journalist denied chance to ask Stephen Harper a question

A skirmish broke out at the end of Stephen Harper’s Arctic tour when a Chinese journalist covering it tried to ask the prime minister a question.
RAGLAN MINE, QUE.—A skirmish broke out at the end of Stephen Harper’s Arctic tour when a Chinese journalist tried to ask the prime minister a question.
Li Xue Jiang, bureau chief for China’s People’s Daily, was told by a PMO media relations adviser he wasn’t allowed to ask a question because they’re limited to just five and are allotted to only Canadian journalists.
Li lined up behind one reporter and exchanged words with another Harper staffer, a woman. He brushed her off once, and then pushed the shaken staffer hard off to the side, saying, “Not fair, not fair.” When Li grabbed the microphone, the prime minister’s personal security detail stepped in.
RCMP officers hustled Li to the back of a massive building.
“I’m sorry . . . (that) this thing happened,” Li later said to Canadian reporters.
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But he insisted Julie Vaux, spokesperson for the Prime Minister’s Office, had pushed him first.
Li was allowed to remain, but continued to argue that he had a right to ask a question.
Li, an accredited member of the parliamentary press gallery, said he wanted to ask what was Canada’s stand on Chinese investment and foreign takeovers — an issue that has been up in the air since the Conservative government approved the purchase by the state-owned China National Offshore Oil Corporation of Nexen.
The Canadian media beforehand had agreed to give Li one of the five questions that the PMO had said Harper would take on Friday.
Just before the announcement, Li and the Canadian media were told by a PMO staffer it wasn’t an option as the list had already been approved by the PMO.
Li said the RCMP officers “said I couldn’t ask a question. I said why?” Li said he told the Mounties that Canadian journalists had agreed he could ask a question. “It’s not democratic.”
看了video也看了一部分英文新闻下的跟贴评论,偶的感觉是因为李记者夺话筒的时候和总理办工作人员(女性)发生了肢体冲突,这成了他最大的把柄,被小哈的媒体办死死抓住不放。但是群众的眼睛还是雪亮的, 都知道李记者倒霉跟小哈历来对待记者提问的笨拙和专横模式有关。

人民日报记者与哈珀女发言人拉扯 被警察拖走

温哥华港湾 2013-08-24 09:51:11 [0条评论,查看/发表评论]


  明报报道:加拿大总理哈珀北极之行周五在一场肢体冲突中结束,纠葛涉及一名中国《人民日报》(People's Daily)记者﹐他希望就外资收购规则提问时受阻﹐现场出现扭打场面﹐该名记者最后被皇家骑警拖到会场后面。
  中国《人民日报》驻加拿大首席记者李学江(Li Xue Jiang)﹐是随同采访总理哈珀一周北极之旅的10名记者之一。

  但哈珀的工作人员拒绝让李学江发问﹐李遂试图夺取麦克风﹐结果与总理发言人云斯(Julie Vaux)发生短暂拉扯﹐负责保安的骑警警员将他拖到会场后面。
  李在事后说﹕「这不公平。我原本希望总理澄清﹐联邦政府关于外国国有公司投资的政策与法规。因为(阿省能源公司)尼克松(Nexen Inc.)收购案以来﹐那些规则一直不明朗﹐中国人想要知道。」
  中国国有中海油公司(CNOOC Ltd.)﹐去年冬季获准以151亿元收购尼克松公司,但哈珀随后设置新障碍﹐限制外国国有公司的收购行为。
  周五的事件发生在魁省北部拉格兰矿区(Raglan Mine)﹐那时已是活动尾声﹐哈珀在夸耀联邦资助的一个再生能源项目。
  总理发言人麦克杜格尔(Andrew MacDougall)在社交网站推特(Twitter)回应此事说﹐他们将向国会山媒体组织(Parliamentary Press Gallery)提起此事﹐并要求李学江立即道歉。

  图片来源: PC / Sean Kilpatrick
  自由党评论员说,此事说明了哈珀一贯不尊重媒体的态度。新民主党说,哈珀的北方之行不过是用纳税人的钱去拍一批照片回来。(作者 吴薇)

- See more at: http://www.bcbay.com/news/newsViewer.php?nid=99948&id=161101#sthash.CbjFGwuM.dpuf
记者英文不错,可惜我听力不行,只听懂了一句: “嗖,爱扑戏了喝”:tx:
记者英文不错,可惜我听力不行,只听懂了一句: “嗖,爱扑戏了喝”:tx:
Moments later Li was being hustled by three Mounties to the back of the room, a large steel warehouse. Eyewitnesses saw Li shove PMO staffer Julie Vaux twice during the altercation. In an interview later, he claimed she had shoved him first. But he acknowledged pushing her. “I was in the line. She corrected me several times, so I pushed her,” Li said.
“We’ll be raising the matter with the Press Gallery, and Mr. Li should apologize immediately,” the PMO’s communications director, Andrew MacDougall, tweeted later. “Agree or disagree with how things are run, there was no excuse for Mr. Li to get physical with our staff.”
Asked whether he would apologize, Li said: “They should apologize to me, for being not fair. For depriving my right to ask questions.”
Harper was visiting Raglan to trumpet a $750,000 federal investment in wind power generation for the remote nickel mining site. Li had wanted to ask Harper to clarify Canada’s foreign investment regulations, he said, in light of China’s state-owned CNOOC’s takeover of Calgary-based Nexen last winter.

China's largest newspaper, argues with Press Secretary to the Prime Minister Julie Vaux while Stephen Harper answers questions at Xstrata Nickel's Raglan Mine in the northern Nunavik region of Quebec on Friday, August 23, 2013.
Earlier, it had been agreed among the pool of reporters travelling with Harper — among them journalists from CBC, Radio-Canada, the Toronto Star, CTV, The Canadian Press, Global, Sun Media and Postmedia — that Li would ask one of five questions allowed by the PM in Friday’s media availability.

It is Harper’s practice to limit the number of questions he takes from reporters — typically on this trip, four from the national media, one from any local media present, and one from Radio-Canada. Because of the limit on questions, reporters typically pool their efforts, and also determine by consensus who will pose them, and in what order. Questions are not shown to PMO staff in advance.

However, when the reporters’ list of questioners went back to the PMO, word came back that Harper had declined to take a question from Li. Throughout this six-day swing through the far North — Harper’s eighth as prime minister — Li and another Chinese-language journalist, Xinhua news bureau chief Dacheng Zhang, have complained they were being unfairly kept away from tour events made accessible to Canadian journalists.
Li was unhappy on Wednesday that he was not among those boated out by Zodiac to the deck of the Coast Guard icebreaker Sir Wilfred Laurier, in the harbour of Gjoa Haven on King William Island, to hear a briefing by the prime minister and others about ongoing efforts to locate the remains of the lost Franklin expedition. PMO staff said the spots on the Zodiacs were limited and a majority of reporters agreed with the decision to restrict access to Canadian media for that event.
Both Chinese journalists have made a habit during the trip of photographing and interviewing their colleagues, as well as taking numerous photos of the interior of the Royal Canadian Air Force‘s C-130J aircraft. Such images are public and not subject to any security restrictions. Asked whether he relays any information or photographs he gathers in the course of his work in Canada to the Chinese government, Li said he does not. “No, just my paper,” he said.
记者英文不错,可惜我听力不行,只听懂了一句: “嗖,爱扑戏了喝”:tx:

看了video也看了一部分英文新闻下的跟贴评论,偶的感觉是因为李记者夺话筒的时候和总理办工作人员(女性)发生了肢体冲突,这成了他最大的把柄,被小哈的媒体办死死抓住不放。但是群众的眼睛还是雪亮的, 都知道李记者倒霉跟小哈历来对待记者提问的笨拙和专横模式有关。



哈的特色就是只回答previewed question?我还从没有看过他的记者会呢。
我就等着看中国国务院怎么玩加拿大记者了,来而不往非礼也。 这样子才刺激么