Ottawa->Toronto: 周五,Friday MAR. 14. at 2:30pm.
Pick up: Ottawa University at 2:30pm and Bayshore or Kanata at 3:00pm.
Drop off: Fairview Mall (Don Mills Subway Station)
Toronto->Ottawa: 周日,Sunday. Mar.16. at 5:00pm.
Pick up: Fairview mall (Don Mills Subway Station) at 5:00pm.
Drop off: Close to where you want to go in Ottawa.
$30. one way. Tel: 6137930088.
Pick up: Ottawa University at 2:30pm and Bayshore or Kanata at 3:00pm.
Drop off: Fairview Mall (Don Mills Subway Station)
Toronto->Ottawa: 周日,Sunday. Mar.16. at 5:00pm.
Pick up: Fairview mall (Don Mills Subway Station) at 5:00pm.
Drop off: Close to where you want to go in Ottawa.
$30. one way. Tel: 6137930088.