- 注册
- 2002-01-16
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在大家爱心支持下, 募捐活动取得了巨大的成就。鉴于捐款已经大大超过预期, 组委会决定不再进行主动募捐活动, 包括计划中的中文学校和大统华募捐活动。 不再进行主动媒体宣传。但是保留捐款账号和捐款页面, 如果有朋友在生活上想继续支持刘越的家属,仍然可以通过这些途径捐款。募捐组委会志愿者将继续帮助家属收集整理捐款,直到葬礼结束,组委会之后将解散。 所有款项将交于刘越的家属。
如果对捐款有任何意见和建议可以联系我们: 613-762-0420。
再一次深深的感谢每一位捐款的朋友, 渥太华,多伦多,哈利法克斯,温哥华,卡尔加里,美国,中国,全世界各地的朋友, 你们确实让这个悲伤的家庭有了温暖。
[Update - March 25, 2014]
With the generous support from kind-hearted individuals from across Canada, we have far surpassed our original fundraising goals and expectations. Not only will these donations help pay for funeral expenses of Mr. Yue Liu, they will help support the Liu family in the long run. These donations exemplify the strength and resolve of the community that surrounds the Liu family as they mourn the loss of a loving father, caring husband, and proud son.
At this time, we have decided to not hold further fundraising events and focus our efforts on organizing the funeral arrangements. We will keep the website running and accept donations until the funeral and ensure all collected donations are given directly to the Liu family.
If you have any concerns or comments in regards to the donations, please call 613-762-0420.
Again, with our deepest gratitude, we thank you for the support you have provided the Liu family when they needed it the most.
Fundraising Committee for Fanyan Bu and the Liu Family
March 25, 2014
2014年3月19日周三, 渥太华华人同胞刘越在古巴海边游泳时不幸遇难,突如其来的灾难给这个家庭带来了沉重的打击。天价的遗体运输费用及丧葬费用雪上加霜, 失去父亲的孩子白发人送黑发人的妈妈夜不能寐的妻子,一家人难以承受之重。希望大家能够伸出友爱之手,在精神和财务上帮助他们共度难关。
感谢中华导报社长Bingfeng Zheng,健康时报社长 Huang Fei, 总编Zhigang Zhang.
遇难者家庭需要志愿者帮助,具体事宜请联系Wenjuan Song:613-983-8366
如果对捐款有任何意见和建议可以联系我们: 613-762-0420。
再一次深深的感谢每一位捐款的朋友, 渥太华,多伦多,哈利法克斯,温哥华,卡尔加里,美国,中国,全世界各地的朋友, 你们确实让这个悲伤的家庭有了温暖。
[Update - March 25, 2014]
With the generous support from kind-hearted individuals from across Canada, we have far surpassed our original fundraising goals and expectations. Not only will these donations help pay for funeral expenses of Mr. Yue Liu, they will help support the Liu family in the long run. These donations exemplify the strength and resolve of the community that surrounds the Liu family as they mourn the loss of a loving father, caring husband, and proud son.
At this time, we have decided to not hold further fundraising events and focus our efforts on organizing the funeral arrangements. We will keep the website running and accept donations until the funeral and ensure all collected donations are given directly to the Liu family.
If you have any concerns or comments in regards to the donations, please call 613-762-0420.
Again, with our deepest gratitude, we thank you for the support you have provided the Liu family when they needed it the most.
Fundraising Committee for Fanyan Bu and the Liu Family
March 25, 2014
2014年3月19日周三, 渥太华华人同胞刘越在古巴海边游泳时不幸遇难,突如其来的灾难给这个家庭带来了沉重的打击。天价的遗体运输费用及丧葬费用雪上加霜, 失去父亲的孩子白发人送黑发人的妈妈夜不能寐的妻子,一家人难以承受之重。希望大家能够伸出友爱之手,在精神和财务上帮助他们共度难关。
- Wenjuan Song,Lei Zhang夫妇:遇难家庭的长期邻居及好友, 本次募捐发起人,负责汇集整理所有款项, 然后统一交给遇难家庭。并且不定期公布捐款明细及总额。联系电话:613-983-8366
- Riven Zhang: 负责中文媒体宣传, 募捐活动统筹。联系电话:613-225-4526 联系邮件地址: riven@me.com
- Andy Wang:负责联系外交部及加拿大驻古巴领事部,确保遗体运输及善后工作的顺利进行。负责撰写英文倡议书,联系本地英文媒体采访报道。联系电话:613-986-9264
- 中华会馆 刘少勇 613-286-1821 薛金生 613-224-5573
- 天天义工团 魏辉 613-366-6166
- 清华校友会 许智强 613-882-5108
- 中国校友会 李体茂 613 218-9828 王耀平 613-862-8085 Zhiqiang Xu, 613-882-5108
感谢中华导报社长Bingfeng Zheng,健康时报社长 Huang Fei, 总编Zhigang Zhang.
遇难者家庭需要志愿者帮助,具体事宜请联系Wenjuan Song:613-983-8366