Plan your outings for the week

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Sunday, June 1

Children of all ages are sure to enjoy the Touch-A Truck event, featuring 60 vehicles to play with as well as face painting, reptiles, crafts, science fun and plasma cars, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., at Lincoln Fields Shopping Centre, 2525 Carling Ave. Tickets: $6/pp, kids under the age of one are free.

Help fight hunger while showing off your gourmand chops at the scavenger-hunt Ottawa Foodie Challenge in support of the Ottawa Food Bank. Events start at 9 a.m. at Shopify — where breakfast will be served and challenges handed out to teams of two. The event ends with a gathering at 5 p.m. at The Albion Rooms for drinks, nibbles and prizes. Tickets are $50 per person. Register by May 31.

Minneapolis hip-hop duo Atmosphere are at Ritual on their North of Hell tour, with Prof and Dem Atlas, 9 p.m., 137 Besserer St. Tickets: $25.

Shake your body and bang your drum at the family-friendly Baobab Tree Drum and Dance event, 4 p.m. at The Black Sheep Inn, Wakefield. Tickets: $10 in advance, $5 for kids at the door.

The Ottawa Humane Society will benefit as the Ottawa Folklore Centre Choir Folka Voca is joined by the The Sunday Beatles Class, The Church of Disco, The Gentlemen’s Club and The Mexico Workshop Gang for a concert at 7 p.m., Sunnyside Wesleyan Church, 58 Grosvenor Ave. Tickets: $20.

Monday, June 2

Elgin Street restaurant Town will be taken over by graduating students of the Culinary Arts Program at Longfields-Davidson Heights S.S. for A Night on the Town, a four-course meal to help #1squarefoot raise money for a skate park at McNabb Park. The Italian-style menu, overseen by chef Marc Doiron, is $65 for dinner, $85 with wine pairing, at 6:30 p.m. Drinks and nibbles will be offered on a drop-in basis after 9 p.m. Get tickets at

New immigrants in Ottawa! Nominate the person who went out of their way to help you get settled into the city and build a new life here, so they can be celebrated as part of Welcoming Ottawa Week, June 23 to 28. Nominations should be submitted to by June 4.

Tuesday, June 3

After an unscheduled fight with cancer in 2013, Sharon Jones and The Dap-Kings are back on the stage where they belong, offering explosive soul music to their adoring fans, 8 p.m., Algonquin Commons Theatre. $25-$32.50.

This month’s ThePanel discussion looks at how Economic Diplomacy will affect Canadian interests, with panellists Perrin Beatty, President and CEO, Canadian Chamber of Commerce; Chrystia Freeland, M.P. and former Editor, Financial Times; Len Edwards, former Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; William B.P. Robson, President and CEO, C.D. Howe Institute, 7 p.m., 395 Wellington St. Tickets: $15/$12 for students.

Wednesday, June 4

It’s going to be a party as East Coast rockers Alert the Medic bring their high energy to Zaphod Beeblebrox, along with openers The Haig and Empty Shelves, 8 p.m. Tickets: $5.

Feel a little pride downtown as France projects a big thank you onto Centre Block on Parliament Hill, in commemoration of the aid we gave in liberating them 70 years ago during the Second World War, until June 9. The French Embassy will also be exhibiting photos of Canadian veterans on its gates from June 4 to June 30, at 44 Sussex Dr.

Thursday, June 5

The dark comedy Burden of Self Awareness opens at the GCTC, a play about a wife struggling to maintain her upper class existence — with the aid of a neurotic psychiatrist, a reluctant hit man and a call girl with a degree in history — as her husband tries to give away his fortune after a near-death experience, 8:30 p.m., until June 2.

Tasman Jude brings some Island vibe to the Mercury Lounge, 8 p.m. Tickets: $7 at the door.

The Ottawa Police Chorus is looking for experienced singers from the community. All voices are welcome, reading music is an asset, but not necessary and they rehearse Thursdays, 5 to 7 p.m., Salvation Army Citadel, 1350 Walkley Rd. The group sings at police and community awards ceremonies, concerts and the Fallen Police and Peace Officers Memorial in September on Parliament Hill. Contact or phone 613-236-1222 ext. 6187.

Friday, June 6

Amble over to the NAC after work for Casual Fridays, a laid-back event featuring not only a concert of Stravinsky and Dvor?ák with violinist Leila Josefowicz, hosted by Maclean’s Paul Wells, but also pre-concert wine and jazz, then after concert coffee, more jazz, and mingling, all included in the tickets: $24-$96. Get dinner, too, for $20 more, at Le Café’s all-you-can-eat Culinary Overture stations featuring food for many diets (vegan, gluten-free, etc.) before the show. Events begin at 5:30 p.m., show is at 7 p.m. See the menu at

The Canadian War Museum commemorates the 70th anniversary of D-Day with special events inside and outside the museum, including period vehicles on display, screening of original film footage taken on the day and authentic World War Two artefacts to touch, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., until June 8.

Saturday, June 7

The Gatineau Parkway is reserved for cyclists, in-line skaters, runners and walkers Saturday mornings until Oct. 25 for NCC Saturday Short Loops, 8.2 kilometres of scenic roads. The area between Chemin du Lac-Meech and the Champlain Parkway is closed from 6 a.m. to 11 a.m., and is great for cyclists who enjoy hilly terrains; the area north of Chemin du Lac-Meech is closed 6 a.m. to 1 p.m. and is suitable for families with young children.

It’s Doors Open Ottawa time, when many buildings normally closed to the public welcome everyone in — including the Ottawa Citizen. Other participants include Rideau Hall, Andrex House, Bridgehead Roastery, Connaught Building, CKCU, Canadian Space Services, Dickinson House, Christ Church Cathedral, and more. Take advantage of the free Ottawa Citizen shuttle bus running 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., every 35 min. all weekend. is also offering a Doors Open Embassy cycling tour. Visit for the interactive map of all locations.

If you’d rather get out of town and look at some art in a beautiful environment, join in on the 25th annual Pontiac Artists’ Studio Tour, featuring over 18 artists in 14 different working studios, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. this weekend and next. The tour is free, art is for sale. Get the map at

Enjoy a free performance by indie rockers Hollerado as part of the Red Bull Tour Bus Hometown Tour, 3 p.m. in the ByWard Market. The gig is free, but you have to RSVP to get tickets at

The semi-annual Ottawa Small Press Book Fair, featuring authors, presses and publishers from Ottawa and the region, is on from noon to 5 p.m. at the Jack Purcell Community Centre. Free admission.

Medieval re-enactors — including knights in armour on horseback — are taking over the Upper Canada Village in Morrisburg for the Medieval and Ancient Civilizations Festival, 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. all weekend. There will be interactive shows on each day, with buskers, jousters, falconry displays, period games to try as well as a visit from the Royal Court. Tickets: $20/$14 youth/$17 seniors/free for ages 5 and under.

