
练了五六年, 非常受益。 人变得更平和, 疲劳之后很容易恢复。 不需很大投资就可以自己开始。youtube 上有很多, 可找一个跟着练, 先试试。 瑜伽的好处是动作容易, 它不要求动作一次到位, 能做多接近就能做多接近, 感觉不舒服,动作 就小点。
瑜伽, 最基本一点,就是强身健体,而且瑜伽的健身方法,是缓慢渐进的,所有做的动作,只需做到我们本人的身体所能达到的极限,因此,也许一个动作,不同的人做起来很不一样,这也是瑜伽独特之处,每个人根据自己的身体情况去做,而不是求所谓的标准动作。
另外,瑜伽能修心养性. 通过恰当的练习方法,我们可以发现自我,了解自我,看待问题更加透彻,而不只是看表面,因此,久而久之,不会被琐事所困扰,心情也就更加开朗。
瑜伽还有很多很多的好处,只有我们自己去练,才能真正体会。如人饮水,冷暖自知。为何不试呢? 欢迎参加中文瑜伽班,逢周二10:30--12:00在Wishingtree Yoga Centre, (150 Katimavik Road, Suite 201, Kanata). 有一中文瑜伽班。任教老师是卓君老师 (Rupa)。
Tel: 613-271-8998
E-mail: wishingtreeyoga@hotmail.com

卓君老师1996年开始练习瑜伽, 2000年开始在中国教瑜伽, 2006年移民到加拿大后不到三个月,就在当地瑜伽中心开始教课, 现在是Wishingtree瑜伽中心瑜伽老师培训学校的主讲老师.
***Two for one deal***
**If you go to any meditation class, there is a Hatha yoga class next to it you could go for free.
**If you go to the Hatha class, you could have the meditation class for free.
Our mind, like the body, needs exercise to improve its strength, flexibility and balance. Meditation is a skill that is meant to improve the function of the mind, to gain the ability to control the senses; to face whatever happens in our daily life. We learn to choose, to guide the mind to a way we like it to go. The action we take will be with full awareness and clear consciousness. When we are able to do that, we will experience peace and bliss from inside.
Yoga singing---Kirtan @WishingTree Yoga Center

150 Katimavik Road #201, Kanata, ON K2L 2N2

Singing has long been used to express, and bring, joy into our lives. Yoga singing, or Kirtan, is no different. Kirtan (Yoga Singing) is a form of chanting in Sanskrit, the language of Yoga, that is usually conducted as call and response. Kirtan gives an opportunity for people to gather and share; to create a joyful community of voices that is all about heartfulness. Gathering with a group of people to resound in our joy and feel the great vibrations in our minds and bodies is very uplifting. The chants are meant to clear out impurities in the mind and energy channels. It’s easy to follow along for those new to this practice.

This Kirtan is lead by Stewart McIsaac, Ivy Xie-McIsaac and their son Chi. Please join us and experience the healing power of sacred sound. All are welcome (kids too!)

Sundays, 10:30 - 11:30am

by donation (we suggest a $5 minimum) or flowers, or some homemade snack (Yoga

Vegetarian food, please).

*Yoga Vegetarian food -- no meat, no fish, no eggs, no onion & garlic.

Vegetarian cheese. No rennet, or gelatin and lecithin (soy lecithin is OK).

All donations will be donated to chosen charity.
Who am I?
--- Rupa Manjari Devi Dasi
I have different identities. My English name is Ivy, my Chinese name is Ying, and my Spiritual name is Rupa. Name could change anytime. That can not be my true identity. I was a Chinese citizen and now I am Canadian citizen. I have been an administrator in an office, a cashier in a grocery store, a customer representative, and a Yoga instructor at various places. Since my professions and positions always change, obviously the title that I am working with is not my true identity.
Names and titles are not me. Who am I?
I have different relationships. For my mother, I am a daughter; For my son, I am a mother; For my teachers, I am a student; For my students, I am a teacher. All these are just the relationships with others, some could change, some won’t change. It’s clear that it is not my true Self. The real “I”.
Relationship with others is not the essence of me. Who am I?
I have different body parts. I stand on my feet, I use my hand to write, I use my legs to walk. I smell through my nose, see through my eyes, listen through my ears. All these parts of my body can be utilized for a certain function. So I take care of my body well. I use my body as an instrument to sense and act in the world. But the body itself is not my Self.
Body is not me. Who am I?
I have different emotions. I laugh when I am happy, I cry when I am upset. I loved someone and now I don’t. I was calm yesterday and I have anger today. “I” can see emotions come and go like waves, and change all the time. Therefore, emotions can not be me, the real “I”. They are only manifestations of my Self.
Emotions are not me. Who am I?
I have a mind. My mind is my best friend when it listens to me, but sometimes my mind doesn’t obey me. Instead, my mind follows a habit. I want to go to Yoga class, but my mind doesn’t obey me; I can’t go out because of the habit of watching TV. Obviously my mind is only one of the sense organs and it is not my Self.
Mind is not me. Who am I?
I have intelligence to recognize, perceive, discover and express myself and the world around me. The content of intelligence, the knowledge, is changing constantly as I learn, experience and exchange ideas with others. Today my knowledge convinces me that to be vegetarian is good for my health, tomorrow new research will show that a gluten-free diet is even better. Intelligence, like mind, is only another tool to bridge the spiritual world and phenomenon world. It can not be me, the real “I”.
Intelligence is not me. Who am I?
Because “I” exist, I have identities, relationships, a body, emotions, mind and intelligence. So, where is “I”, what is “I”, Who am “I”?
Welcome to join Rupa Manjari Devi Dasi (Ivy)‘s meditation class at Wishingtree Yoga Centre for an unforgettable journey. Rupa has been practicing Yoga and meditation since 1996 in China. Her Chinese background and training gives her a natural understanding of this ancient eastern wisdom. Her living, studying and teaching in Canada has provided her the opportunity to develop the practice in a modern western way. It is all about SELF.
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