研究了一下,最后下手在HOMEDEPOT买了24“ Ariens compact.
这个好像属于经典MODEL。 用户评价好象都很好。
205CC (= 5.5 HP) 功率太小,以后你会后悔的。这种东西买一个可以用20年, 还是多花几百买个功率大的为好。渥太华本来就是下雪多的地方,买个机器是为了帮助你而不是麻烦你的。
如果你觉得5.5HP够用了,CFC上有人卖同一牌子5.5HP类似的机器$600, 相比你的$799 (税后$900)还是便宜。kijiji上有人甚至卖$300左右的。
我们以前买过一个5.5HP的,但是想用它时它不给力,只好手铲那些大冰块湿雪堆,放在车库还占地。我老公恨不得把它免费送人。我们后来$200 卖掉的 (原价$700,用了一年)。之后换了个8HP的就很给力了。
Too weak a machine.
January 28, 2014
Customer review fromAriens.com
I bought this machine because my wife wanted a unit she could handle (the one we had was too heavy for her). The Ariens Compact 24 is just not powerful enough to handle the amount of snow we get here in Ottawa, especially the pile the plow leaves at the end of your driveway. Too weak an engine. Not worth the money.
Durability is an issue
December 27, 2013
Customer review fromAriens.com
Used in a typical WI winter season. Bought Dec 2012, used all season and 3 times in December 2013 and the drive system is starting to malfunction. It seems as though the friction disc or drive belt is coming apart because when the drive system is engaged there is a loud clunking noise coming from within the body. Lets hope the warranty covers this otherwise Dan will be receiving a direct call from me.
This product is broken
January 28, 2014
Customer review fromAriens.com
After 3 uses the machine is currently under repair for a broken idler spring which renders the drive inoperable and there is a gas leak.
Machine worked fine prior to breaking.
A bit light for heavy snow
February 2, 2014
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Customer review fromAriens.com
I replaced an older model , 20-30 years old , with the 24" . The biggest thing I have found is that in heavy snow it tends to clod quicker than my old machine and when there is a heavy base , the machine seems to be either too light , and won't push through , it just bogs down . That , or the fact that the feed chute doesn't rest directly on the pavement , because of the supports , it doesn't cut through as well as the older model . It tends to hang up , then the wheels just spin . If I could have gotten parts , I would have just kept the older machine .
Excellent in light snow
January 28, 2014
Recommended Product
Customer review fromAriens.com
I live in upstate NY. The unit is a good, light duty snow thrower. Anything more than 8 inches of snow or 6 inches of heavy snow and it rides up over the top or bogs down. I would not have purchased such a light duty machine had I known. I have owned other 24 inch machines which performed much better. Bottom line: It depends where you live. The further south the better.