

中国国家大剧院管弦乐团(NCPA Orchestra )将于11月9日(本周日)在渥太华国家艺术中心(NAC) 举办专场音乐会。乐团的部分音乐家将在百忙之中抽出时间,在当日下午举行大师课(Master Class), 同华裔青少年学生互动。

授课NCPA Orchestra 音乐家是:李喆(乐团首席)、杨锰(大提琴首席)、叶怡礽(长笛首席);经过选拔,三名渥太华青少年学生将演奏如下小提琴、大提琴和长笛的经典曲目,接受大师们的一对一教学。 

(1) 法国作曲家圣桑的小提琴独奏曲《引子与回旋随想曲》
Camille Saint-Saëns Introduction of Rondo Capriccioso, Op. 28

演奏小提琴的学生: Austin Wu; 钢琴伴奏 Judy Ginsburg

(2)波西米亚作曲家马替奴《给長笛和钢琴第一奏鳴曲第一乐章》 Bohuslav Martinu "First Sonata", H. 306 (1st movement)
演奏长笛的学生: Daniel Chen; 钢琴伴奏 Nick Rodgerson

(3) 俄罗斯作曲家普罗科菲耶夫《E小调为大提琴与乐队而作的交响协奏曲第一乐章》
Sergei Prokofiev Sinfonia Concertante in E minor,Op. 125 (1st movement)
演奏大提琴的学生: Bryan Cheng; 钢琴伴奏
Judy Ginsburg

时间:11月9日下午 3:30 – 4:30
地点:NAC Forth Stage

参加大师课演奏的学生介绍(1) Austin Wu


Austin Wu started violin at age 5 and is currently a student of Elaine Klimasko. He has won numerous gold medals and scholarships at the Kiwanis Music Festival. He has been invited to perform at the Kiwanis Highlights Concert, Young String Performers Foundation concerts and Ottawa West Junior Music Club Gala Concerts. In summer of 2013, Austin was also invited to perform in the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival Rising Stars Concert. He has participated at the Kiwanis Provincials and Canadian Music Competitions several times.

Austin is the first violinist of the Stellae Boreales Ensemble of Ottawa Suzuki Strings. Stellae Boreales is an advanced young string ensemble which has toured many countries and cities. In 2013, they were invited to participate in the National Arts Centre's ConneXXions event which featured a live high-definition exchange between Canadian and Chinese music students. Austin and his sister, along with members of Stellae Boreales, also perform regularly at senior homes and culture events as a piano and violin ensemble.

In summer of 2014, Austin participated in the National Arts Centre Summer Music Institute Pre-College Program led by Artistic Director Pinchas Zukerman and an internationally-renowned faculty.
参加大师课演奏的学生介绍(2) Daniel Chen


Daniel Chen started studying flute at age 12 with Kirsten Carlson, and is currently a student of Cathy Baerg and Robert Cram. He has taken masterclasses with Christopher Lee and Joanna G’Froerer.

Daniel was the principal flute in the Ottawa Youth Orchestra from 2012-2014. He was also the principal flute in his high school's senior band from 2011-2013. In 2013, the band won a Silver Award at The MusicFest Nationals in Toronto and Daniel received the Honor Award.

At the Ottawa Kiwanis Music Festival, Daniel has won the Laura Casselman Memorial Scholarship, the Kiwanis Club of Nepean Irving Altman Bursary, as well as Ottawa Music Club Senior Scholarship. Daniel has also won the Ottawa Flute Association Ensembles Trophy for his duet performance with Janice Wong.

Daniel has performed both solos and duets at the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival’s Rising Stars Gala in July 2014. Besides playing the flute, he enjoys singing baritone/tenor in his high school's Boys' A Cappella group, "Men of Class", which has been invited to perform at MusicFest Nationals in 2015. Daniel is also the President of the Ottawa Chapter of Music for Kids (MFK), a charity run by youth musicians across Canada. MFK is designed to offer premium private music lessons to children who cannot afford music education.
参加大师课演奏的学生介绍(3) Bryan Cheng


Ottawa-born Canadian cellist Bryan Cheng made his orchestral debut with I Musici de Montreal at age 10. Also at age 10, he gave
his first performance with the National Arts Centre Orchestra at five Family and Mezzanine Concerts at Southam Hall. Following the concerts, he was invited to attend the NAC Summer Music Institute (SMI) pre-college program at age 10 and 11 under the direction of Pinchas Zukerman. In 2013 and 2014, he returned to SMI at age 15 and 16 to join the college level of the Young
Artist Program. Recently at the 2014 NAC Bursary Competition, Bryan won the $5000 Harold Crabtree Foundation Award. Bryan is very thankful to the performance opportunities and training programs provided by the NAC and its patrons. He has been frequently asked to perform at Friends of NACO's fundraising concerts, such as "Music to Dine for" at many embassies, including the official residence of the Chinese Ambassador to Canada, among others.

Bryan studied with cellist and conductor Yuli Turovsky for 8 years and currently studies with Hans Jørgen Jensen who is a long-time NAC SMI faculty member. He has played at masterclasses by renowned cellists and musicians including Daniel Müller-Schott, David Geringas, Frans Helmerson, Lawrence Lesser, Richard Aaron, Jian Wang, Jens Peter Maintz and Menahem Pressler.

Bryan is a First Prize winner at the Canadian Music Competition, and a top prize winner at many other competitions. He has been the guest soloist with several Canadian orchestras and has performed in first-class concert halls including the Montréal Symphony House (September and November 2013), Toronto's Koerner Hall (2014), Montreal’s Pollack Concert Hall (2011), and Harris Concert Hall at the Aspen Music Festival (2010), among others. He has soloed cello concerti by Haydn, Boccherini, Tchaikovsky, Dvorák, and Shostakovich with orchestras. Montreal’s La Presse commended his performance as “absolutely astonishing…playing with the technique, sonority, and musicality of a professional cellist.”

As a recitalist, Bryan has given two recitals at New York's Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall in 2011 and 2013 with his pianist sister Silvie Cheng. New York Concert Review wrote “Cellist Bryan Cheng, is gifted with abundant facility, innate musicality, and a sense of
joy…This young musician has all the makings of a fine concert artist”. The Cheng² Duo has been invited to several international music festivals including the Trasimeno Music Festival (Italy, 2014), Festival of the Sound (Ontario, 2014), to which they will return in 2015, and the Ottawa International Chamber Music Festival (2013 & 2014), where the duo presented two recitals and performed innovative recital programmes for cello and piano including music by Chinese composers. Outside of Canada and the US, the Cheng² Duo has given recitals and concerts in Italy, Belgium, Holland, the Czech Republic, and South Korea. On Canada Day 2014, the duo was invited to perform, as the “culture ambassador” for Canada, at the official residence of the Canadian Ambassador to the EU in Brussels at a reception for diplomats from around the world.

Bryan just returned from Germany last week, where he soloed with the Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim, performing Haydn's Cello Concerto in D Major. He was recently named CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) Young Artist of 2014 and his recital has been recorded for broadcast in 2015.