lbq 知名会员 注册 2008-07-10 消息 5,732 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 198 2014-11-23 #2 leo0108 说: 大家平时是怎么样清洗地毯的楼梯的啊 点击展开... 有专业清洗地毯的机器 ,需要的话请电话 613 9794679
中 中国公民 知名会员 注册 2009-02-10 消息 833 荣誉分数 26 声望点数 138 2014-11-24 #3 leo0108 说: 大家平时是怎么样清洗地毯的楼梯的啊 点击展开... 大家平时是怎么样清洗楼梯的地毯啊
就 就是爱喝开水 初级会员 注册 2011-04-21 消息 1,334 荣誉分数 207 声望点数 73 所在地 村里 2014-11-25 #4 我以前电视购物买过一个手提小蒸汽壶,就用蒸汽一小块一小块的打圈的刷,看到有斑点也用它,不用清洗剂 应该轮胎店有买
Teafun 资深人士 VIP 注册 2004-10-18 消息 1,418 荣誉分数 739 声望点数 273 2014-11-25 #5 每年从 Sobeys 租一次 carpet clean machine 带一个清洗楼梯 tool。清洗楼上卧室和楼梯的地毯。 一次大约 $40.
马 马年吉祥 新手上路 注册 2014-01-31 消息 179 荣誉分数 13 声望点数 28 2014-11-25 #6 I borrowed one carpet cleaner from Home Depot to clean the carpet on the grounds and on the stairs. It is very powerful and took me less than &40.
I borrowed one carpet cleaner from Home Depot to clean the carpet on the grounds and on the stairs. It is very powerful and took me less than &40.
L ljmom 新手上路 注册 2013-10-24 消息 35 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 18 2014-11-30 #7 马年吉祥 说: I borrowed one carpet cleaner from Home Depot to clean the carpet on the grounds and on the stairs. It is very powerful and took me less than &40. 点击展开...
马年吉祥 说: I borrowed one carpet cleaner from Home Depot to clean the carpet on the grounds and on the stairs. It is very powerful and took me less than &40. 点击展开...
马 马年吉祥 新手上路 注册 2014-01-31 消息 179 荣誉分数 13 声望点数 28 2014-12-01 #9 Use your own cleaning stuff, like shampoo or body soap, which is more healthy.