
打算买房子, TARTAN的SINGLE HOUSE要比Mattamy的SINGLE HOUSE贵一些,Mattamy的SINGLE HOUSE不是Energy Star, 不知道谁的性价比要高一些,请指教, 谢谢。
打算买房子, TARTAN的SINGLE HOUSE要比Mattamy的SINGLE HOUSE贵一些,Mattamy的SINGLE HOUSE不是Energy Star, 不知道谁的性价比要高一些,请指教, 谢谢。
tartan 的配置比mattamy高,总体质量和售后服务也好些。
tartan 的配置比mattamy高,总体质量和售后服务也好些。
非常感谢. Tartan配置比mattamy高, 有些是可以看得出的,但是价格会贵不少, 不知道值不直, 比如ENERGY STAR CERTIFIED,是不是会影响很大?

另外, 与Urbandale或其他的BUILERS相比较,Tartan的质量和评价如何,谢谢。
Tartan homes is not as good as Urbandale, Richcraft or Monach. It is in the lower end of all builders, in my opinion. Mattamy Toronto has good reputation but not in Ottawa.
Tartan homes is not as good as Urbandale, Richcraft or Monach. It is in the lower end of all builders, in my opinion. Mattamy Toronto has good reputation but not in Ottawa.
Thank you very much. I have noted that the houses built by Mattamy in Toronto are more expensive than others. Do you think that Mattamy uses different standards in Toronto and in Ottawa?
That's for sure. it is completely different builder to me
In fact Mattamy used same standards in Toronto and messed up in Ottawa.
It using same standard of basement wall of Toronto, but Ottawa has much more moisture(water) level in the dirt which required higher level standard.
So whole street Mattamy houses got crack basement in some areas in Kanata and Bahaven.
Reputation was deeply hurt, but now it definitely knew the problem. Very painful I heard.
So I would suggest new house of Mattamy.

Thank you very much. I have noted that the houses built by Mattamy in Toronto are more expensive than others. Do you think that Mattamy uses different standards in Toronto and in Ottawa?
In fact Mattamy used same standards in Toronto and messed up in Ottawa.
It using same standard of basement wall of Toronto, but Ottawa has much more moisture(water) level in the dirt which required higher level standard.
So whole street Mattamy houses got crack basement in some areas in Kanata and Bahaven.
Reputation was deeply hurt, but now it definitely knew the problem. Very painful I heard.
So I would suggest new house of Mattamy.
Thank you very much. As I understand, you still suggest to buy a new house from Mattamy rather than Tartan. Is it correct? If so, what do you think that Tartan has energy star certified and Mattamy hasn't? Thanks again.
buy a new house from Mattamy rather than Tartan Yes, Mattamy is better builder than Tartan.
what do you think that Tartan has energy star certified and Mattamy hasn't?
This is very complex question since I am expert on this.No kidding, I do.
I need 10 pages make it fair by all perspectives.:tx:
I would like to make it simple though,
Is the tartan house energy star certificated HOUSE or just energy star certificated on something such as window. That's totally two different concept. What is price difference between the two builder on similar house.
Here is offer from Tartan, some are upgrade and some are standard, ask Mattarmy for what they do correspondingly.

Tartan Homes Upgrades :
Ottawa new homes builder Tartan Homes are also an ENERGY STAR participant. You can upgrade your Tartan new home to include additional materials and work that add quality by saving energy and reducing home heating costs.

ENERGY STAR features are now standard in all Tartan single family and semi-detached new homes in Jackson Trails, Stittsville.

The following ENERGY STAR upgrades are available in Tartan's detached and semi-detached new homes in Rivers Bend, Findlay Creek and Havenlea :

  • High efficiency furnace with two flame burner and variable speed fan
  • Basement fully insulated to one foot above floor
  • Garage ceiling insulated with ICYNENE enhanced insulation system
  • Air leakage control throughout
  • Energy-efficient compact fluorescent lights throughout (CFL)
  • Improved indoor air quality with a Heat Recovery ventilation System (HRV)
    Standard in all Tartan Homes :
  • All casement windows are argon gas fill with energy efficient low E ratings
  • Thermal wall system with R25 insulation value on exterior walls
  • R50 attic insulation for less heat loss
Mattermy有很多开发区是“wide” lot。你先看看是否要/能接受"wide" lot再说。Tartan的外墙是R5的泡沫板,Mattermy的可能还是OSB吧。Tartan的窗(除地下室)现在是三层玻璃了。Smooth ceiling是standard。Pot light(室内,室外)是LED的。车库墙是有隔热层,dry walled的。地下室地面有R10的隔热。不过没送granite countertop。Mattrmy送的是相对薄的那种。哦,longshan列的那些Tartan的upgrade其实现在都是standard。Jackson Trails都不知道是哪年的事情了。

Tartan: All homes are individually inspected and certified by an independent representative of EnerQuality.
Thank you very much, longshan and shimh.

By the way, I have another question. How about a house which is sitting North and facing south. Master bed room is in sound. However, there are two rooms in north. The two rooms are not able to get sunshine all the year round.
From shimb's link that Tartan indeed worked a lot on energy star program recently. Yes it is Energy star House.
I like the window and
high effi ciency 95% AFUE 2 stage gas furnace. I suggest you spend a little more upgrade to variable stage gas furnace, it would reduce noise a lot. but 2 stage is much better than some lower end builders which give single stage AC furnace. Be sure check what you get from Mattarmy. The single stage AC furnace could simply wakes you up when start up in the night.

The negative point is the home is well insulation by all perspective so give great air tightness.
It means natural air exchange is minimized.
You would need rely on HRV to get fresh air for most of time.
I am sure the builder would suggest you do so if you asked them.
HRV would use quiet some electricity if you run it all the time.
That's why I mentioned early this is complex situation.
For myself, I would like one house well insulated on Attic and window which 80% energy lose on them.
But do not rely on HRV to breath.
No you are wrong, the two rooms in north would get sunshine between 6Pm to 9 Pm in the summer and would be hottest room in your house. You could check sun direction and other posts at here to understand it.

Back yard face south east is the best which discussed at this BBS many times. Please check old posts.

Thank you very much, longshan and shimh.

By the way, I have another question. How about a house which is sitting North and facing south. Master bed room is in sound. However, there are two rooms in north. The two rooms are not able to get sunshine all the year round.