Yoga is not a religion, but a spiritual practice and a science of Self-realization. It was developed more than 5,000 years ago in Bhārata-varṣa(land of India). The word Yoga is derived from the root “yuj”, means “yoke, to link and unite, to join and connect, to conjunct with”. So there is an object to work with. It can be body, mind and spirit.
Yoga is practiced so skills and techniques can be mastered for well-being and happiness. Everyone follows the path that is toward this goal, but there are different degrees of progress on the path.Itincludesfive layers of understanding Yoga:
Wishingtree Yoga Centre
May your wishes come true.
Yoga is practiced so skills and techniques can be mastered for well-being and happiness. Everyone follows the path that is toward this goal, but there are different degrees of progress on the path.Itincludesfive layers of understanding Yoga:
- “to yoke”- means to control the senses
- “union”- the personal joining of body, mind and spirit (Self)
- “to connect”- when Self consciousness awake and the Self concentrates on the Divine, Self and Divine Presence link
- “to be yoked”- is to allow Divine Presence to guide our Self
- “To conjunct with”- Under the guide of Divine Presence, the Self developed. When the Self fully develops, individual Self able to conjunct with the Supreme consciousness, to resonate with the Divine, one can follow the nature rhythm and actually enjoy the life.
Wishingtree Yoga Centre
May your wishes come true.