Elementary students的家长请注意:今年JK - Grade 7的学生没有report card


教育局来信了,代之而发的是Letter of Promotion.
Grade 8的还会收到report card.

Dear Parent/Guardian:

I am writing with an important update on the final report card which is usually issued at the end of the school year. I know how important the report card is to parents and to students — it is a reflection of the work done throughout the year, and the marks, learning skills and teacher comments are valued.

Currently, public elementary teachers across Ontario are taking part in a lawful job action. As part of the job action, teachers have submitted marks to principals, but they will not input the student marks into our data system. We rely on that support to produce report cards; without it, the task of mark entry and report card production is beyond the capacity of the school district.
The school district has determined that for Term 2 of the 2014-2015 school year:
• Students in JK to grade 7 will receive a Letter of Promotion; and
• Students in grade 8 will receive a report card.

A Letter of Promotion is an official document that will replace the Term 2 report card. It will inform parents that their child is being promoted to the next grade. It also includes information about absences and lates. It meets all legal requirements and it will be filed in the student’s Ontario Student Record file. It will be issued during the week of June 22, 2015 and will be sent home with students.

Report cards will be issued for students in grade 8. The report card will include grades, may include information on learning skills and work habits, but it will not include teacher comments in the Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement section. Every effort is being made to have report cards for grade 8 students ready by the end of the school year.

We know this is disappointing and frustrating for parents and students. We share that disappointment. We also know that our elementary teachers are skilled professionals and we are confident that throughout the school year they would have kept parents informed of the progress of your child. As always, if you have any questions about your child’s learning, we encourage you to contact your child’s teacher prior to the end of the school year.

There is more information and a series of questions and answers posted on the district website at www.ocdsb.ca.

Thank you for your understanding.


Jennifer Adams
Director of Education
Ottawa-Carleton District School Board
那这学期学生就永远没有成绩单了?好过分啊。他们到底在为神马罢工?我听有人说他们是spoiled rats.
吃皇粮的, 吃纳税人的威武