little piggy 旁观者清-->兼听则明 VIP 注册 2008-03-31 消息 363 荣誉分数 80 声望点数 138 2015-07-06 #3 ccc 说: 漂亮! 从哪里搞到的? 点击展开... I bought 9 roots from TNT 2 days ago, not sure whether I should plant one now before I eat all of them?
ccc 说: 漂亮! 从哪里搞到的? 点击展开... I bought 9 roots from TNT 2 days ago, not sure whether I should plant one now before I eat all of them?
ccc 难得糊涂 管理成员 VIP 注册 2003-04-13 消息 239,541 荣誉分数 37,526 声望点数 1,393 2015-07-06 #4 little piggy 说: I bought 9 roots from TNT 2 days ago, not sure whether I should plant one now before I eat all of them? 点击展开... 哈,明天去看看! 谢谢!
little piggy 说: I bought 9 roots from TNT 2 days ago, not sure whether I should plant one now before I eat all of them? 点击展开... 哈,明天去看看! 谢谢!
lindamy 时代广场舞照跳 VIP 注册 2005-11-23 消息 30,362 荣誉分数 7,477 声望点数 373 2015-07-07 #7 wsh0848 说: 兰州百合已经种了四年以上。 浏览附件525165 点击展开... 真漂亮,介绍一下,怎么种?直接埋土里吗?我在TNT买过,泡在水了,烂了。
wsh0848 知名会员 注册 2008-03-28 消息 303 荣誉分数 39 声望点数 188 2015-07-07 #8
花栗鼠 高级会员 注册 2013-05-31 消息 1,590 荣誉分数 299 声望点数 93 2015-07-08 #10 wsh0848 说: 兰州百合已经种了四年以上。 浏览附件525165 点击展开... 我一直以为这种花叫做倒挂金钟?