我有两棵,瓷盆的当然比塑料盆的贵不少(从八月中开始开,后者还大开着)。我的花可能不便宜,花苗从最贵的Artistic Landscaping买的,土配制了近$10,成本价转让,塑料盆的差不多$45。长得很快,最好有一面朝阳的墙。如果有兴趣,地址可以QQH。3角梅怎么卖地址
我在加拿大见过的最高最大的三角梅花墙在Calgary热带植物园,一株,大概有3米高,25米宽。三角梅很普遍,Walmart与Cadanian tire都有,按大小,从$10~$25不等。
Thanks! I did not do anything special at all. They like sun, humidity, fertilizer, mild acid and good aeration. One started blooming early August and the other early October. I think the flowers can still last a couple of weeks. Both are growing at exponential pace now and I expect them to reach the ceiling soon. Some support and force will be needed for the branches to go horizontal and cover the wall/window.楼主,你的三角梅长得真好!我的三角梅每年这个时候都掉叶子掉得很厉害,你是怎样保持她不掉叶子的?