Reevely: Patrick Brown goes for instant gratification, long-term pain with sex-ed play in...

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Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown sent voters in an upcoming Scarborough byelection a reminder that he has vague suspicions about sex education, because it turns out that he can be distracted by shiny objects.

“Upon being elected, a PC government would scrap the ?controversial changes to sex-ed introduced by Premier Kathleen Wynne,” Brown’s letter said. It wasn’t exactly secret, nor exactly public: an email sent out widely, addressed to “parents” in general, but not posted to the party website or anything.

Scarborough-Rouge River’s byelection is Thursday. The Liberals won the riding in the last general election with veteran politician Bas Balkissoon carrying their banner; he resigned suddenly a few months ago and although he’d been the MPP for a decade his share of the vote had dwindled. The Tories and New Democrats both smell opportunity. Their leaders, Brown included, have been campaigning hard for their candidates (they’ve got Doug Ford, Rob’s meaner brother, running Cho’s campaign because a lot of Ford Nation lives in Scarborough) and Brown must figure that goosing the social-conservative vote in an immigrant-heavy Toronto suburb will help put city councillor Raymond Cho over the top.

Brown’s always walked a careful line on the sex-education curriculum. As he says in the letter, he wants to rewrite it with more input from parents, which is pretty much what he’s always said. People read into that what they want.

You’ll recall that the curriculum, following years of work and consultations and everything else you’d expect, was supposed to go into effect in 2010. Then-premier Dalton McGuinty pulled it after socially conservative activists objected that the sex-education parts talked about sex in ways they didn’t like. Premier Kathleen Wynne brought it back, with trifling changes, and schools used it starting last year.

The things some people object to — mentions of non-vanilla sexual acts, for instance, and of teenagers doing them — come up exclusively in the context of warning about their dangers. Anal sex appears one time in the 245-page document, on a list of ways you can catch diseases like HIV. Talk of gender identity, say, is through lists of things you might be tempted to bully somebody about, not of things every tween should experiment with.

It’s a reasonable, even conservative, document. In one word, its message about sex is “Don’t.” Even people who fear Kathleen Wynne and her fellow homosexual-agendists want to carry off their children can’t point to anything real in the curriculum they’d take out. The whole controversy over the curriculum is a fraud. Serious people would not engage in it.

But byelection turnouts are low, energizing your loyalists matters more than it does in a general election, poking the sex-education button is an easy rush, and Scarborough-Rouge River is such a sweet prize. Hence Brown’s letter.

The Liberals, who are not novices, fired off a base-activating campaign of their own, criticizing Brown as a flip-flopper while implying that he’s not interested in “keeping Ontario’s kids healthy and safe.” Hard-edged social conservative or floppy-principled grasper — whichever bugs you more, that’s what they want you to think he is.

The Liberals aren’t novices but if Brown’s fallen to short-term thinking, he might have learned it by watching them. Wynne and her people meddled in a byelection in Sudbury to give New Democrat MP Glenn Thibeault their nomination over a competent local Liberal. They got to poke the NDP in the eye at the cost of permanently damaging Wynne’s reputation for decency. Dumb.

Less harmfully, but still stupidly, the Liberals invested in trying to win the Tory seat in Whitby-Oshawa that opened when the Progressive Conservatives’ former leader-in-waiting Christine Elliott resigned to take a government appointment. Now-MPP Lorne Coe handed them their butts, winning a bigger share of the vote for the Tories than Elliott ever did.

Here’s the thing: You can tell how people will govern by the way they practise politics. Kathleen Wynne is competitive to a fault, a quality often useful in her line of work but dangerous because it can make you lose perspective. An opposition leader who can play a long game could outwork, outwait and outwit her. Instead, we get Doug Ford and weaselling on sex education.

That’s all a problem for Brown politically. It’s a bigger problem for Ontarians, who might like a government run by people who can think beyond the end of the week.

