R reader 知名会员 注册 2002-03-31 消息 134 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 128 2003-09-18 #1 I just moved to a house and have no idea about Gas Plan Anybody can give some ideas about Gas Plan. 1. What's the advantage of equal pay plan? 2. If it's good to sign a 5 year fixed rate contract now? (since the rate is already high...)
I just moved to a house and have no idea about Gas Plan Anybody can give some ideas about Gas Plan. 1. What's the advantage of equal pay plan? 2. If it's good to sign a 5 year fixed rate contract now? (since the rate is already high...)
W wanttohelp 新手上路 注册 2003-08-14 消息 93 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-09-19 #2 I also need this information. Anybody can help there?
S Sophia 知名会员 注册 2002-07-04 消息 430 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 2003-09-21 #4 我刚刚与direct energy 签了一5年的合同。30cent/m3.如果市价降了我只好认倒霉。不过aent说降的可能性几乎没有。
S Sophia 知名会员 注册 2002-07-04 消息 430 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 2003-09-21 #5 Equal billing plan的大意就是将全年的费用均摊到每月。大约50%的人选用。因为冬天花费高,夏天低。如果你不希望冬天的帐单太高,可以考虑。我没有选。我喜欢知道我每月的实际花费。
S Sophia 知名会员 注册 2002-07-04 消息 430 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 126 2003-10-04 #7 最初由 Sophia 发布 我刚刚与direct energy 签了一5年的合同。30cent/m3.如果市价降了我只好认倒霉。不过aent说降的可能性几乎没有。 点击展开... 今天从中文报得知天然气降价了。看来这合同签亏了。不知道是否能够撤销合同。因为合同要等120天生效。
最初由 Sophia 发布 我刚刚与direct energy 签了一5年的合同。30cent/m3.如果市价降了我只好认倒霉。不过aent说降的可能性几乎没有。 点击展开... 今天从中文报得知天然气降价了。看来这合同签亏了。不知道是否能够撤销合同。因为合同要等120天生效。
有 有去无回 ~~~~ 注册 2002-06-03 消息 6,718 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-10-05 #8 看看你的合同,在卖gas plan 的里面direct energy算是本地大公司了,应该不会很不讲道理的。可能有联系电话,也可能需要你到他们的服务点去提出取消合约。
民 民工 新手上路 注册 2003-01-21 消息 568 荣誉分数 10 声望点数 0 2003-10-06 #9 最初由 reader 发布 1. What's the advantage of equal pay plan? 点击展开... In my case, I don't see much advantage with equal pay plan. They kept making mistake and it's very time-consuming to deal with them, I cancelled the equal pay plan last month.
最初由 reader 发布 1. What's the advantage of equal pay plan? 点击展开... In my case, I don't see much advantage with equal pay plan. They kept making mistake and it's very time-consuming to deal with them, I cancelled the equal pay plan last month.
oread 新手上路 注册 2002-01-24 消息 20,275 荣誉分数 16 声望点数 0 2003-10-06 #10 RE: equal pay plan I agree. I never know how much I used each month. Cancelled it last week.