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- 2002-10-07
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An ever-increasing number of chilling events is occurring across North American campuses. Free speech walls have been neutralized. Protesters have harassed, disrupted or attempted to “no platform” countless speakers this year, including at talks at McMaster and Middlebury College last month. Unfortunately, here at the University of Ottawa, we do not fare much better. Talks by Ann Coulter and our very own Janice Fiamengo have been shut down in recent years.
University administrations are increasingly demanding exorbitant security fees to greenlight events in case students who disagree feel like using violence and intimidation to cancel them.
This is not limited to extra-curricular talks. Professors are threatened, disciplined and are losing their jobs for articulating unpopular opinions or for using speech that some find offensive. Faculty dare not utter anything controversial before becoming tenured, lest the thought police find them. Professors are terrified of their students and adjust the course material to avoid controversy.
Students themselves are sometimes harassed both inside and outside of class, and smeared for even expressing interest in hearing views other than their own. Ad hominem attacks and labelling those you disagree with as racists, misogynists, or various other -ist/-ic smears to silence them has become the norm. Students refrain from questioning ideas or writing papers that might challenge the political ideology of their professor in the fear they will receive a lower grade, especially in the liberal arts.
Freedom of speech is under siege. Safe spaces are being used to silence students and groups that dare challenge the social justice dogma. Safe spaces have evolved from being specific rooms to encompassing the entire public campus – including classrooms. Ideas that cause discomfort are increasingly conflated with actual violence. There has been a transformation of campus culture in which students are no longer able to criticize certain ideas, respectfully disagree, or even hold certain opinions.
But where is intellectualism safe if not in the university sphere? Liberal universities are supposed to be where students learn how to think critically; where they are exposed to ideas on every side of the political spectrum; where they are supposed to be offended by ideas and challenged on what they believe and why.
To quote the Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression at Yale,
“(A) university must do everything possible to ensure within it the fullest degree of intellectual freedom. The history of intellectual growth and discovery clearly demonstrates the need for unfettered freedom, the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.”
Universities are not supposed to be day care centres, catering to the emotions and whims of students who might be upset about ideas that differ from their own. Free speech sometimes hurts. It often offends. But it pushes boundaries. Just like when people were offended by the idea that blacks should be as equal as their white counterparts, or that women should be able to vote. When people took offence of the idea that abortion was a right or that gay couples should have the right to marry. Freedom of speech allowed the venue for each of these progressions to thrive.
In response to this increasing censorship of ideas on campus, the University Chicago published a Statement on Principles of Freedom of Expression. In summary, it states that:
1. The University will create a culture that fosters civil inquiry and informed arguments – on all matters.
2. All speech and ideas are free to be expressed by faculty and students with the only exceptions being those that incite violence, violate the law, or breach privacy/confidentiality.
3. Free speech cannot be used to prevent someone else’s right to speak or to hear free speech.
4. The University will also reserve the right to regulate the time, place or manner of speech such that it does not disrupt activities on campus.
The University of Ottawa has scored an “F” on Policy and Practices for two of the past three years on the Freedom Index, a measurement of the state of free speech at Canadian public universities. How can we call ourselves a university if we refuse to be a venue for the marketplace of ideas, and limit ourselves to being an echo-chamber of dogma? University of Ottawa – diverse in everything but ideas and viewpoints. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
The University of Ottawa can emerge as a world-leading institution of academic excellence where its students are trained to think critically. We can be the leading institution of learning in Canada where a culture of respectfully debating and discussing of all ideas occurs, where our professors can push the boundaries of knowledge and thought. But to do that, we need to take a step back in the right direction.
That first step is to endorse the Chicago Principles for Freedom of Speech. Let’s put our motto to good use and defy the conventional. Let’s be the trailblazers. It’s our chance to seize the title.
Lukas Hashem is a medical student and member of the Senate at the University of Ottawa. @LukasHashem
University administrations are increasingly demanding exorbitant security fees to greenlight events in case students who disagree feel like using violence and intimidation to cancel them.
This is not limited to extra-curricular talks. Professors are threatened, disciplined and are losing their jobs for articulating unpopular opinions or for using speech that some find offensive. Faculty dare not utter anything controversial before becoming tenured, lest the thought police find them. Professors are terrified of their students and adjust the course material to avoid controversy.
Students themselves are sometimes harassed both inside and outside of class, and smeared for even expressing interest in hearing views other than their own. Ad hominem attacks and labelling those you disagree with as racists, misogynists, or various other -ist/-ic smears to silence them has become the norm. Students refrain from questioning ideas or writing papers that might challenge the political ideology of their professor in the fear they will receive a lower grade, especially in the liberal arts.
Freedom of speech is under siege. Safe spaces are being used to silence students and groups that dare challenge the social justice dogma. Safe spaces have evolved from being specific rooms to encompassing the entire public campus – including classrooms. Ideas that cause discomfort are increasingly conflated with actual violence. There has been a transformation of campus culture in which students are no longer able to criticize certain ideas, respectfully disagree, or even hold certain opinions.
But where is intellectualism safe if not in the university sphere? Liberal universities are supposed to be where students learn how to think critically; where they are exposed to ideas on every side of the political spectrum; where they are supposed to be offended by ideas and challenged on what they believe and why.
To quote the Report of the Committee on Freedom of Expression at Yale,
“(A) university must do everything possible to ensure within it the fullest degree of intellectual freedom. The history of intellectual growth and discovery clearly demonstrates the need for unfettered freedom, the right to think the unthinkable, discuss the unmentionable, and challenge the unchallengeable.”
Universities are not supposed to be day care centres, catering to the emotions and whims of students who might be upset about ideas that differ from their own. Free speech sometimes hurts. It often offends. But it pushes boundaries. Just like when people were offended by the idea that blacks should be as equal as their white counterparts, or that women should be able to vote. When people took offence of the idea that abortion was a right or that gay couples should have the right to marry. Freedom of speech allowed the venue for each of these progressions to thrive.
In response to this increasing censorship of ideas on campus, the University Chicago published a Statement on Principles of Freedom of Expression. In summary, it states that:
1. The University will create a culture that fosters civil inquiry and informed arguments – on all matters.
2. All speech and ideas are free to be expressed by faculty and students with the only exceptions being those that incite violence, violate the law, or breach privacy/confidentiality.
3. Free speech cannot be used to prevent someone else’s right to speak or to hear free speech.
4. The University will also reserve the right to regulate the time, place or manner of speech such that it does not disrupt activities on campus.
The University of Ottawa has scored an “F” on Policy and Practices for two of the past three years on the Freedom Index, a measurement of the state of free speech at Canadian public universities. How can we call ourselves a university if we refuse to be a venue for the marketplace of ideas, and limit ourselves to being an echo-chamber of dogma? University of Ottawa – diverse in everything but ideas and viewpoints. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
The University of Ottawa can emerge as a world-leading institution of academic excellence where its students are trained to think critically. We can be the leading institution of learning in Canada where a culture of respectfully debating and discussing of all ideas occurs, where our professors can push the boundaries of knowledge and thought. But to do that, we need to take a step back in the right direction.
That first step is to endorse the Chicago Principles for Freedom of Speech. Let’s put our motto to good use and defy the conventional. Let’s be the trailblazers. It’s our chance to seize the title.
Lukas Hashem is a medical student and member of the Senate at the University of Ottawa. @LukasHashem
