Bad weather in Toronto forces up to 20 flights to divert to Ottawa on Monday

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An unexpected storm in Toronto forced as many as 20 flights to be diverted to Ottawa on Monday, according to officials.

The sudden arrival of planes, coupled with extreme delays for flights waiting to depart for storm-ridden Toronto, caused issues for many passengers who vented about the experience on social media.

One in particular, an Ottawa resident who works for Shopify named Laura Mah, said the delay on her plane was more than five hours and no one was allowed to leave the aircraft while it waited for a chance to take off.

ALSO: Passenger carrying a baby punched by airport worker after asking about delay

“Can you please give us an update,” Mah tweeted to Air Transat and Ottawa Airport Authority officials on Monday. “We’ve been stuck in our @airtransat (sic) plane for over 5 hours. This is not okay or humane.”

Officials with the Ottawa Airport were quick to respond stating it was up to Air Transat to let them off the plane during extreme delays.

“I’m sorry to hear that – it’s up to the airline to determine whether to deplane or wait it out when a flight diverts,” wrote the airport on Twitter.

However, Air Transat tweeted soon after pointing the finger at the airport saying they couldn’t let anyone off the plane until airport officials allowed them to.

“Were (sic) waiting for airport authorities,” wrote Air Transat on its official Twitter account. “We have no control for that. YOW (Ottawa Airport) received more than 30 non-expected flights.”

An official with the Ottawa Airport Authority said Tuesday morning that, in total, there were 20 flights diverted from Toronto and Montreal Monday afternoon and evening due to the weather in Toronto.

