FR 2 bed rooms
CENTRAL(parkdale&scott) seperate 2 bed rooms apartment on the second floor of a duplex house. Private exterior entrance, will be available on Nov.1.
Walk to public transportation, OC-Train (bay view) and transitway (Tunney's pasture). 5 min. to downtown. Close to Ottawa U. and Carleton U. Civic hospital area.
Private kitchen, bathroom w/shower. $700 all inclusive, none-smoking, no pets please.
两居室出租,独立的厨房与卫生间,10分钟车程去OU,7分钟OC-Train去CU,11月1日入住。$700 包水,电,Internet。适合夫妻或两学生。
Please sent QQH or phone: 792-1923
email: <===remove NOSPAM , replace AT with @
CENTRAL(parkdale&scott) seperate 2 bed rooms apartment on the second floor of a duplex house. Private exterior entrance, will be available on Nov.1.
Walk to public transportation, OC-Train (bay view) and transitway (Tunney's pasture). 5 min. to downtown. Close to Ottawa U. and Carleton U. Civic hospital area.
Private kitchen, bathroom w/shower. $700 all inclusive, none-smoking, no pets please.
两居室出租,独立的厨房与卫生间,10分钟车程去OU,7分钟OC-Train去CU,11月1日入住。$700 包水,电,Internet。适合夫妻或两学生。
Please sent QQH or phone: 792-1923
email: <===remove NOSPAM , replace AT with @